Roll Call: Michigan - support the Green Fairway Fellowship!

I have a 10:50am at UMGC this morning if anyone is interested.

The hourly forecast looks more optimistic than the radar, but I need this round of golf in my life right now.

Edit: Bumped this to 11:50am to give some of the rain a chance to get by. Hopefully the outlook is better at that point.

hey there gang!

coming up to Traverse City for a weekend trip May 5-8 with a group of guys, and 2 of our 8 had to drop out last minute so figured we’d pop in here to see if anyone was around and would like to fill their spots. So far our schedule is as follows:

  • May 5: Champion Hill 230 and 240
  • May 6: Arcadia South 848 and 856
    ** Arcadia Bluffs 300 and 308
  • May 7: Forest Dunes 836 and 842
    ** The Loop 300 and 308
    ** Bootlegger 630
  • May 8: Interlochen 816 and 824

we’re a mix of players from 5-20 indexes, so big range of players, nothing crazy serious just having a good time, would love to meet a couple folks and have a group of 8! welcome to having people jump in for 1 round, or all 7!

give me a shout


I’ll be playing the Loop earlier that day but would be down to join for the bootlegger if that’s good with y’all



Anyone going to be up near Charlevoix on Memorial weekend?

I am going to try and finally see Belvedere again after being rained out last year. Looking at either a Saturday or Sunday morning tee time.

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Hey Omar,

I might be able to join you guys at Champion Hill next week.

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hell yeah man! shoot me a DM and we’ll get it figured out

Michigan Folks:

Jump on in. It’s going to be a blast.

I’ve been wanting to play Belvedere… only plans on Memorial Day weekend are to play golf…

If you end up going and need some company for the round, I probably won’t be hard to convince.


@MorikawaForPres Which day would work better for you, Saturday or Sunday? And my best chance of getting away from the family is in the morning, can you make it up by then? Let me know and then I’ll grab a time and start lobbying.

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@theclv24 I can honestly swing either day & morning isn’t a problem. Whatever works best for you/your fam I can accommodate.

Being a bachelor makes this shit pretty easy for me lol


I’m going to be in South Haven mid June with the girlfriend and her family and got the go ahead to “play golf every morning if you want to”. Just wondering if there are any course recommendations nearby. Hawks head looks decent but not finding many other options. Thanks!


The Ravines isn’t too far north from South Haven and is usually in good shape

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Clearbrook is another good option, old school course

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Diamond springs as featured in TS is about 45 min from south haven if you can go that far

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Don’t get that far south of GR too much, but I’ve played a few down there. We enjoyed HawksHead last spring, it was in great condition, pretty firm. It’s walkable but does have a couple of long treks between holes.

Angel’s Crossing is about an hour southeast, so a little far, but we got down there last year and all loved it.

Would second the Ravines too as the next closest option. All these courses are upwards of $60 or $70 at least though, so if you can make the trek to Diamond it’ll save you some cash and the course is sick. The Lynx is also a good option in Otsego (as long as there are no mosquitoes), about 45 minutes away like Diamond.


Point O’ Woods
Harbor Shores
Lake Michigan Hills (not as good as other 2 but still enjoyable)


I mean, Dunes Club is less than an hour away and if you’re flexible, I’d try to get on there.


Growing up in Holland you wont be too far from there most of my golf was at Clearbrook, Diamond Springs, Ravines which I highly recommend, Lake Michigan Hills isn’t a bad course. I do love Hawks Head as well. There are a lot more options as you get to GR. Harbor Shores is a must play if you want to spend the money to play it.


Beeches is a great “strapped” style option