Also, I have perhaps 15 Stroh’s trucker patch hats. $28 per and I can hand-deliver in PD. This was a small initial order, we will make more if you don’t get one this time around. Drop me a line and I’ll hold one for you. If you ask nicely, @HellerHighwater might show you the hat in play at everyone’s favorite 9-hole golf playground in tennessee from earlier this week.
First round down in Scottsdale. Two birdies, but a triple and four doubles did their job in keeping the GHIN stable. Troon North tomorrow.
It’s a good hat. Some might call it great. I have had several old dudes ask me how I know about STROHS beer. To which I ask, how do you know about my golf league?
You are in now if you can make it!!
- I’m in!
- GHIN updated
- In for Friday afternoon round
- Can bring sides or desserts
- Been out of the beer scene for a while. Can bring some wine.
Great to have you man!
I’d love a way to @-message the entire thread … is that a thing?
Here’s the thread with details. Spoiler alert - it’s going to run the same as last year.
PLEASE FIND THINGS TO DONATE! DM me if you have something you’d like to add to the raffle - we raised almost $2500 last year, and I’d love to top that.
If you run out you can always grab a sleeve or two of Pinnacles from the pro shop with their professionally designed logo.
I was working on Venmo requests and realized I’m totally going to end up requesting payment from the wrong person… Can y’all add your Venmo handles to the spreadsheet here? I added a column on the righthand side of the sign up page.
Added items to the raffle … it’s getting sort of sick. Masters gear, tour-van driver, tour-van shaft, sweetens cove and pine valley gear … go check it out!
- 100% in
- Done
- Yes Can be there at least by 2, should be earlier.
- @therealmarkymark I can also pick up some meats if you need help. If not I can bring some sides.
- Hate to say this but I’ve been loving a St. Arnold Fancy Lawnmower. I will also bring some Eight in honor of Troy and something from Panther Island.
Love this level of involvement. One thing I noticed last year is that we had a shitload of beer. We had a shitload of beer AFTER we all drank a shitload of beer, too. No need for any one person to go over board :).
Good point I do remember that. Eight it is!
But @chitwood still needs to bring lots of Redbreast.
to the group … heard from @jmg that he can’t make it next weekend. Next up on the Austin wait list is @tx_southpaw. You got your ears on? Can you confirm yes or no? Your spot if you want it.
@LankyLikesFood, we have another open spot for team DFW and you are next man up on the list. Can you make it?
I need my team to check their DMs and confirm that they are in. I don’t want to have to move down the waitlist but will if needed. @ebitduh @ThreePuttPar & @authorforrest stand at the ready!
Sorry, gang. I won’t be able to make it. Y’all hit ‘em straight!
@snaphookleft Dillon Moore looks to be next up on the list.
@snaphookleft i hear this event is no fun and you should let someone else go