Sisterhood of the Traveling Refugee Sunday Bag

It’s not that I don’t like the “wandering bag” idea, but I feel like it’s much cooler knowing you have a spot reserved 4 months from now to get the bag in your hands and get out on the course with it.

If we just let people pass it off at any given time, how would someone in California ever get a chance to use it if it’s currently in Tennessee? I’m not saying it couldn’t happen, but it most likely won’t happen soon via the “gentleman’s handoff” method.

I also don’t like the idea of just giving it out to non-Refugees willy nilly. All it takes is for the bag to get into the hands of one person with bad intentions and never have it see the light of day again.

I may make a second bag for this nonchalant handoff method but this first bag I’d like to give as many people as possible a chance to take it out on the course, sign the notebook, leave something small in it for the next guy, and pass it on it’s way.


oh hell no…a non refugee getting the bag is a hard no


Its called faith man.

Believe in something.


i think its pretty simple that the list can be tailored in a way to maybe encourage a meet up or be scheduled around people that already have a meet up scheduled

for example if tilly had the bag, i would 100% drive an hour and a half to play a round with him, in order to get the bag…perhaps them meet up with someone else in the area who was interested, but if not then ship it elsewhere

meet ups and handoffs are great, especially in the winter months when 1/2 of the country isnt out playing, why not have it be passed around by hand in warmer weather climates?

edit: this in no way should rule out shipping as well; both methods should be utilized when possible

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I’m sure you’ll jump all over me, but simply playing devil’s advocate here. Your hour and a half drive is compared to my 5-6 hour drive to get to LA or Albuquerque, NM. Not saying I wouldn’t jump at the chance to go to Rustic Canyon and hand off or grab the bag, but it isn’t as simple as a 90 minute drive on a Saturday.

I’m with you on this. My life has been so crazy lately that it’s tough to squeeze in golf rounds, let alone with (no offense intended) strangers.

I have some cool trips planned which would have cool stories/experiences attached and I’d love to participate as I genuinely enjoy this community.

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right, it shouldnt be simply one of the other

shipping the bag makes perfect sense, just like handing it off during meet ups or encouraging meet ups for the bag

its not one or the other

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Agreed, never took it that way either, was more so responding to

@Fore20 @pushdraw

can one of, or both of you please upload a proper avatar? The green color is very similar, and F & P are also very similar.

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the fact that you consider people that you spend multiple hours of the day with discussing everything from shoes, to culinary arts, to music, even politics “strangers” is a bit concerning…just saying


I agree with @alexshreff - while the personal hand off sounds ideal, it also sounds like a logistical headache and will get stuck in some parts for too long. Maybe if we had specific timing for each region as @Fore20 alluded to, it could work.

However, the personal touch should be through the notebook and the token you put in the bag IMO, it’s just easier and you know the bag is coming your way.

Just seems much easier, especially for the first go around. Thanks again for putting this together @alexshreff.


i understand…im all about shipping it to increase the overall reach this bag can have as well as passing it off through meet ups

My point is you can’t have both. If we let people sign up for 2 week slots (or whatever time frame we choose), then someone has dibs on it next and it can’t be passed off to someone else at a meetup.

I actually like this:

  • let’s set a 1-2 week ownership limit for whoever has the bag
  • the preferred mode of transport here is to pass it off in person
  • if a meetup can’t happen in that 1-2 week time frame to hand it off, the current owner will post here asking who would like dibs and mail it to whoever calls it

This will encourage people to meet up and hand it off, but if that’s not possible, someone in far away still has the chance to get it at any given time.


Slightly more far-fetched, everybody signs up and we have a Google sheet and the current owner either passes it off in person or chooses a random somebody from the list, and you may or may not be surprised to see the bag wind up on your doorstep?

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sure you can…you can absolutely have both it just takes some planning

people who are interested need to sign up first, with city and state…we can make a google map like @paul did for the food/golf thing and everyone can be added to a map

from there we can start to plot the course that the bag takes, if someone has something awesome in store for the bag during a certain time periods, then sure that might get preferential treatment, etc

i agree though, if someone is supposed to get the bag next, it should go to the person…just need to try and put together some kind of plan so that both pass offs as well as shipping can be utilized; we got some smart ass people here, who rarely work a full day…we should be able to figure this out no problem



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Thank you Mr. Selleck


that would be cool, but you have to worry about whether or not someone is going to put it to use

might be out of town, might be hurt and unable to play, various reasons why they wouldnt be able to get out and about with the bag and essentially waste someones money to ship, time and their money to ship again for the bag not to be used

fucking incredible my guy

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i love how we are planning on how this bag is going to get all over the country/world to various members and alex hasnt used a sewing machine since 8th grade when he made that pig pillow in home ec hahahahaha

oh man this is incredible