SCGC guis I wanted us to be cool like FCF guis so added columns to the spreadsheet for course hcps otherwise I’m going to look them up a dozen times because I’ll forget.
Edit: We’re playing one ups at all 3 courses.
SCGC guis I wanted us to be cool like FCF guis so added columns to the spreadsheet for course hcps otherwise I’m going to look them up a dozen times because I’ll forget.
Edit: We’re playing one ups at all 3 courses.
fuck man, that sounds like hell
Catching up on everything now.
We have subs (midwesthack and tjesky) for the AM and PM Saturday rounds respectively. Still need a Sunday sub? Is this all correct?
@MidwestHack and @tjesky72, can you tell me your GHIN or current index?
Shotgun start at Mines 8:30am Saturday. I’ll send an info email out tonight with all info for the weekend
HDCP: 7.7 (vanity)
GHIN: 2851817
Got to show off that knowledge from having spent 6 years in DE.
@tjesky72 NM, I found it on an old version of the spreadsheet. Let me know if it’s not 5.2
I think we have @millerro for Sunday
Yep, just messaged him in the WM whatsapp. Just need his GHIN or Index
(preliminary) Tee times for Sunday are going up. If there’s a conflict or time when someone needs to start please speak up now so we can rearrange.
Looping @sundaybag and @Double_Bogey_Dave in here to clarify anything I may get wrong here related to social media for the weekend.
Everyone should post on Instagram in either post or story form and tag the main @nolayingup page so we can get visibility. This is gonna be an awesome weekend!
Thanks for the early start. I’m bouncing home directly from the course so I appreciate it.
I agree here with Jesse, got a 3 hour drive home after so appreciate going off first!
Preferably via a post because sharing stories is tough because they disappear within 24 hours
Also use the tag NLUROOST
Thanks Dave!
Last minute change of plans for tomorrow, no longer playing Stoatin Brae. (Thanks for subbing @David_is_Goliath!)
Leaving later in the day now, planning on heading around noonish from Lombard to GR. Anyone need a ride still? I’ll be coming from Park Ridge, so happy to coordinate a pickup between here and Lombard.
Want to meet Ethan and I at Journeyman distillery for the putting course? Leaving between 9:30-10 am
Join us @andrewf. There’s a putting course that @baldvinny has raved about.
Dan and I are stopping there on the way also, but we’ll probably be there around 1 or so.