Second City Golf Club vs. Fresh Coast Flock (Grand Rapids, July 2022)

SCGC guis I wanted us to be cool like FCF guis so added columns to the spreadsheet for course hcps otherwise I’m going to look them up a dozen times because I’ll forget.

Edit: We’re playing one ups at all 3 courses.


fuck man, that sounds like hell

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Catching up on everything now.

We have subs (midwesthack and tjesky) for the AM and PM Saturday rounds respectively. Still need a Sunday sub? Is this all correct?

@MidwestHack and @tjesky72, can you tell me your GHIN or current index?

Shotgun start at Mines 8:30am Saturday. I’ll send an info email out tonight with all info for the weekend

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HDCP: 7.7 (vanity)
GHIN: 2851817



Got to show off that knowledge from having spent 6 years in DE. :smiley:

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@tjesky72 NM, I found it on an old version of the spreadsheet. Let me know if it’s not 5.2

I think we have @millerro for Sunday

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Yep, just messaged him in the WM whatsapp. Just need his GHIN or Index

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(preliminary) Tee times for Sunday are going up. If there’s a conflict or time when someone needs to start please speak up now so we can rearrange.

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Looping @sundaybag and @Double_Bogey_Dave in here to clarify anything I may get wrong here related to social media for the weekend.

Everyone should post on Instagram in either post or story form and tag the main @nolayingup page so we can get visibility. This is gonna be an awesome weekend!


Thanks for the early start. I’m bouncing home directly from the course so I appreciate it.

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I agree here with Jesse, got a 3 hour drive home after so appreciate going off first!

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Preferably via a post because sharing stories is tough because they disappear within 24 hours

Also use the tag NLUROOST


Thanks Dave!

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Last minute change of plans for tomorrow, no longer playing Stoatin Brae. (Thanks for subbing @David_is_Goliath!)

Leaving later in the day now, planning on heading around noonish from Lombard to GR. Anyone need a ride still? I’ll be coming from Park Ridge, so happy to coordinate a pickup between here and Lombard.

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Want to meet Ethan and I at Journeyman distillery for the putting course? Leaving between 9:30-10 am


Join us @andrewf. There’s a putting course that @baldvinny has raved about.


Dan and I are stopping there on the way also, but we’ll probably be there around 1 or so.