Second City Golf Club vs. Fresh Coast Flock (Grand Rapids, July 2022)

Hey @natelapeer please see this post for info on how/where to send payment for New Holland tomorrow night. Please and thanks!

I told you I got Z Stars for course knowledge and now rando singles stories. Stop playing hard to get @PTM.

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  1. We were a bit hungover
  2. The rando was a guy who kept bragging that he started playing in October and was down to a 17 handicap already
  3. He made a birdie and the entire course probably heard him scream
  4. At the turn we waited for at least 10 minutes while three guys got bloody marys made, this guy then ordered a mealball sub that took forever to make
  5. I made a par on a par 4 after losing my drive. He goes “Nice birdie”, walks for 5 seconds “Oh, well you had to drop right?”

Gonna need some info on this. wtf happened?

Need to get tee sheets together to send to courses. Does this work for you both @tjesky72 and @MidwestHack?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Amazing. I mean honestly this is a power move. Possibly the golf equivalent of showing up to a meeting 20 minutes late with an iced latte?


Yes, count me in. 8:30am tee time, correct?


Yup, 8:30am shotgun.

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You’re the last one then.
$20 Venmo is @VinceFalco


Shit, I may or may have not done that this morning here at work. Just sub the iced latte with a caramel iced coffee. :smiley:


“Oh hey guys… what’s goin on? We meeting?” slllluurrrrrpppp


The bad thing is I was the one that called the meeting. :smiley:


No, you’re doing it right.

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I’ll add that he had to try the meatball because it was recommended in a Google Review.

The bourbon selection there is probably the best I’ve seen at a public. @baldvinny


I am confirm the choices of bourbon are excellent. Had a Russel’s and a Michter’s after a round there a few weeks ago!

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@millerro adding you here since you said you can sub!


Let the dogs out Monday morning at 5am, on the way back to bed one of them crossed my legs up on the staircase and I fell down them. Ended up crashing into the doorframe of my bathroom with 95% of the force on my forearm


This is a true fear of mine with a dog that insists on standing up as soon as you try and step over him. Wishing you a speedy recovery


Ugh, my dog has done something very similar (not as bad of damage) and couldn’t give a shit when I was on the ground writhing in pain. Still smiling and wagging his tail. I wanted to be angry at him, but they’re just such happy dumbasses.


Yea definitely wasn’t mad at her and she gave me some kisses as my wife rushed to check on me! Definitely could have been worse and definitely could have been better. At least I’ll be back for fall golf