If we leave the NW burbs by 10 we’ll be at Journeymen around the same time
Their gin is delicious! It’s the gin that made me love gin. And the tour given by the owner-distillers mom was great too
Sounds like a good time. Won’t be able to leave that early unfortunately. Will see everyone at New Holland!
Welter’s Folly is a great putting course. Tell them @Eggman sent you, worked out well in our favor.
Planning on journeyman around 330. Post your scores on the putting course
Get the Detroit pizza you won’t regret it
Confirmed still 5.2
As a lifetime GR native I’m extremely bummed to not be able to be a part of this event. Not much you can do with family in town for the whole weekend though. Hope you Chicago folks who haven’t been here enjoy the city and courses, they’re all fantastic. On the flip side, not making new friends will make me not feel as bad when we beat your asses in the regional enjoy it everyone, can’t wait to see updates!
Good to see everyone is still up and drinking. Evens the playing field for me tomorrow.
Great time out there today, fellas. Glad I could fill in for a round, a round made all the sweeter by the 4-0 beat down @EdgettJ_4 and I laid on @EConroy419 and @AlCzervik
Hope the rounds at Pilgrim’s go well today and that you enjoy DS tomorrow!
Listen…I got nothing
The reason is because The Mines fuqs.
That place was sick.
That was a great time! Glad you could make it work in your schedule!
I fucking knew it.
For anyone (there were 25 of us) who came to corner
bar. $23 per guy (food, facility, tip). Please Venmo @Matthewgvpa
Everyone get to Diamond Springs for our regularly scheduled 11am start time. A delayed start could be possible but we’ll see when we get there.