Roost Roll Call

Hi, Evan. My name is Matt, and I’m the Roost captain for the PNW Crew. We are based out of the Seattle-Tacoma area mostly, but also cover all of Eastern Washington and Oregon. Maybe next year, with some leadership and organization, Oregon can have their own Roost, but for 2022, we are your closest Roost!

This thread here is the main base of operations on the Refuge:

This Google Sheet contains everyone in the Roost/Local area. Throw your name down on it.

Lastly, if you really want to take the plunge and #getinvolved, we also have a local group chat where we talk about golf, random tee times that we have, and more! Most of the communication and chatting goes on in there!



Down in Houston, roost free agent


Think @Jdonelson and the STROHS Roost is going to be your ticket!

Free Agent in Detroit MI, Looking to Join a Roost!

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Fresh Coast Flock run by @paroutfromhere is your ticket. He can get you set up. I’ve added you to the Refuge group, so go ahead and introduce yourself in one of their threads.

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Living in London and looking to join a Roost please!


@Wabinez can get you set up with the RACDG UK/Europe contingent

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As a 314er, how do I join @ConfluenceGC?


@Jrembold can get you set up, in the meantime I added you to the Refuge group so you can see and post in their threads


Fired a message across

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I live in San Diego and would like to like to join a roost.

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@Rob_Roth can get you set up with LowCal. I’ll add you to the Refuge group

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@Double_Bogey_Dave moving to Nashville next week - possible to be added to the High Cotton Club roost?


Just added you to the Refuge group so you can read and post in their threads. @leftysauce can get you set up with the Roost specific stuff.

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Thank you! @Double_Bogey_Dave

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Live in NY on Long Island, looking to join the Roost! Let me know!

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@HibernatingBear can get you set up with the NYC Metro RACDG (Royal and Ancient Company of Dishonorable Golfers). I’ve added you to the Refuge group, though I blew they use a Discord to coordinate tee times, events, and whatnot.

With the name of @JohnnyBananas2 you move to the top of my favorite members immediately but only if you’re as ruthless as him right at this moment (IYKYK)


New nest member mediocre golfer looking for NYC roost


New the the Refuge and located in Charlotte, NC. Looking to link up with the CLT roost.