Roost Roll Call

This thread is for anyone who wants to join a roost. Doesn’t matter if you are new to the Refuge or a veteran of the Oregon Trail days ready to take the plunge.

Let us know where you are located and we will get you set up with the closest Roost.


Fresh Coast Flock is the spot to be for the Michigan contingent. Shoot me a dm if you want in.


North Star United has over 70 members representing MN, the Dakotas, Western Wisconsin and Northern Iowa. All are welcome!


Hand up. Free agent in Indianapolis right in the middle of (seemingly) Roost no man’s land.


How do you feel about Ohio, Chicago, Tennessee, or Michigan?

Tennessee or Michigan probably the easiest to get to, can go either way though!

If there’s ever enough interest for an Indiana/Kentucky/Southern Illinois Roost consider this a volunteer for a founding member.


@paroutfromhere @leftysauce make your pitch


Nobody likes Ohio, Dave


I’m fairly certain we have the largest membership, and it’s not particularly close. We have several Hoosiers


We have a member from Indiana, @Douger23 who has already made the trip for multiple events, bought some of the merch, and is definitely involved in the Discord, to the point he pitched a video series we’ll be launching a la WWOG. If you’re worried about the distance keeping you from being involved, and @Douger23 experience isn’t enough to sell you, we have events planned and on the horizon in the state of Kentucky, so they’ll be even closer to you. If you want more info, check out our podcast on Spotify… Dialed In: A Podcast by the High Cotton Club

Our Certified Hitter @tanner_sandel might be able to expand even more, but we work hard to provide an inclusive environment with an exclusive feel, no matter where you’re located. All are welcome in the High Cotton Club :handshake:


I had someone ask me about this the other day… Are you guys the largest? I assumed it’d be somewhere like NY

Hey man, just wanted to reach out from down here in Evansville. Like @leftysauce mentioned, I’ve made it down to a few of the events and can say that they are run extraordinarily well and they have been to some sick courses. I will admit that I had originally planned to join the Ohio boys as well, but Nashville is closer on drive time and doesn’t have a time change for me. If you’re ever down this way, let me know or I would love to get together in Bloomington for a round some time!


If you go by “Group” members we have 115 and the next largest is DC with 88

We have members across OH, IN, PA, NY, KY.

OH is pretty interesting in that it has 3 large cities sort of spaced equally throughout the state that serve as sort of hubs for the group but also several more midsize cities (Dayton/Toledo/Youngstown/Akron/etc) that also have there own communities. I legit don’t think people realize how populous OH is compared to other states.


What exactly does being in a Roost entail? Is there a part that explains it all? I’m not making a deal with the Devil


Can’t tell you that until you commit to a Roost.

Big chicken/egg thing, I know.


Playing competitive golf with people for a chance to represent your Roost at a Regional to play in a Championship against other Roosts and an NLU team.


I’m in Indianapolis, too. Ohio and Chicago are going to be the closest, but I’m more interested in event scheduling- Sunday events (and Mondays) are going to be my jam.

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I joined the roost in the hopes that I can play an event or two. It sounds like it’s going to be good fun!

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@BDeck25 @Douger23 to echo what these guys said, we’re an attention to detail group. From what we try to provide to our members to their experience in the events, we truly try to give our members the best. I think the greatest accomplishment of the group however is the quality of guys that you’ll find. Hope to see you at an event or in the Discord soon! Check out the podcast on Spotify and also check out our upcoming event in Kentucky, The Barn Burner. This will be a 27 hole 2-man event with rotating format ending the day with a shootout to a floating green and Calcutta for the shootout. You won’t want to miss it! April 16th!


You can’t go wrong with the FcF. Being closer to Grand Rapids is a no brainer for you! Plus delicious beer and legal weed. I mean, shit. That’s a tough one to top haha

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