Roll call: Phoenix/Scottsdale

Are we thinking the rounds need to be witnessed or are just going off the honor system? I vote for the one shot rule i.e… you go in saying that this is the one that counts and that’s it. But I guess there’s no stopping someone playing practice rounds right?

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Right, or torturing themselves with posting a -5 and then going back and posting a +10 “just for fun”

If the $ aspect is well received, we could even do a “buy back” and you have to add another $5 (or whatever we decide) to the pot to get a 2nd crack at that same course in the month…?

Yes, but just want to confirm the overall points that go to standings would be whether you get to the quota or not?

Ex: For me 36-12 = 24. If I play better and score 30 points I get 6 points, but if I play bad and score only 20 points it would be -4.

Correct, individual quota and meeting your quota is “0” points

That answers the question, right?

yes, got it. Was thrown off by you asking a question to my question haha.

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I’ve downloaded the sheets app but can’t edit the form. Do I need to download it to my phone first? I don’t know what I’m missing

Right there with you. Seems it may be in view only mode.

The sheets app just stinks honestly…I usually try to avoid the app and just use it on my computer

Others have been added so it isn’t read only

I can add you guys though

@Jwest3106 - handicap?
@Jpop942 - I just carried your 15 over from the current match play, still accurate?

Make sure you’re on the third tab. If you’re trying to edit the first tab it’s read only. I opened it in my sheets app and it seems to be working.

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Grabbed my laptop and edited it. 15 no longer valid.

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Ok cool thanks


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Love it!

First year I’ve kept an official handicap and took 6-7 months in the last half of 2020 so the handicap is a fluid situation for now.

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In response to @Jpop942 but a note for all

Fluid handicaps is fully understandable…not going to hold you to the # on the spreadsheet for the entire summer…whatever your hdcp is at the day of playing will be used to calculate your quota for the day


This sounds awesome! I am so in.

Are we still planning on getting a single NLU event going as well over the summer? or is this points game in replacement?

Only reason I am asking is if we are still going to do a big one day event I will just be entering that and not the summer long game. If not, then I will try and get in on this to meet more of y’all.

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I think we should try the one day event, along with the monthly deal, on first come first serve basis to fill whatever spots are available. Probably waiting until the summer deals actually available to purchase.

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Just signed up, this is awesome!


Idea: have the summer long quota game finish at the one day event

Going to play Sterling Grove this afternoon, heard good things. Any of ya’ll played it?

will report back

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