Roll Call: Ohio (OATW adjacent) and localized ice cream debates (Part 1)

Yeah, I was using the Grint but after all their GHAP BS, I stopped my membership and jumped over to BCN.



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What’s the story here?

Also, when I bought my GHIN, I just went through NOGA, which made it really easy. Definitely will do BCN this year though

I believe the USGA stopped allowing third party apps like The Grint to pay for you to have a GHIN through them, so on January 1st, everyone that had a GHIN through them expired on that day. To counter this, The Grint created their own handicap system and called it GHAP, that is obviously not sanctioned by the USGA and is their own thing.

Made no sense to keep paying for the grint since you had to grab a GHIN somewhere else. I saw that someone had gotten their GHIN through BCN and I did the same, instead of using USGA or NYSGA.


Yeah I missed all this. I used the grint because I liked the features and just took their “estimated” handicap, but just decided to buy a GHIN index last year and stopped using grint. It is one of those things where I think the social aspect of that app is pretty cool, getting to see what your friends are shooting and all that, but not enough people use it for that

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Did you never join or visit the Grintr thread or add any other refugees on there? It was fun but I think we’ve all jumped shipped. I may still use it but I may just start using the actual scorecard and input my scores through the GHIN app now.

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No I signed up for GHIN at the start of last season and then the nest shortly after. Wanted to have a legit handicap if I was gonna play in refuge events.


Might have to talk with @sundaybag


Depending on where you’re located there’s likely a public course that will host a GHIN for you for a few bucks a year. Can always do an e-club as well.

Only possible downside of going through BCN is if you ever wanted to play any local association type competitive stuff, they usually require your GHIN to be through a member club of that organization.


New guy here, Columbus, OH. Seems like my foursome is always busy when I want to play. Would love some new playing partners!


Welcome! There’s a slack thread for Columbus that’s pretty active. I’m in London and would love to host you out here at my place!

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You’ve found the right spot

Welcome! Here is the slack link

I’m in UA and would be down to play sometime. What part of town are you in?

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Make sure you sign up for the roost (link above)

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All the cool kids are doing it.

Worthington. Upset I couldn’t manage to get out today. Amazing day for January


Done… I think

More central Ohio people…you love to see it


I guess Grizzly is technically a Muni now as it’s a City of Mason track… also would throw in the original 18 (lakeside to woodlands) at Shaker Run just north of Cincy in Lebanon. They’ve put a million houses out there but the layout is still pretty cool and the conditions are getting better.

Is the renovation done at Shaker, for the houses/condos? The one nine was a wreck when i played 2 yrs back, good layout but temporary tees everywhere and some holes were missing fairway grass.

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