Roll Call: Ohio (OATW adjacent) and localized ice cream debates (Part 1)

How many players are we talking here? Depending on numbers (and if you guys will be cool lol), I maybe could host the Cleveland meetup at my club. Make it the C-Suite swing of the series. Either way, I’m probably in for at least the Cleveland meetup, and likely/maybe the others.

cc: @joecline41


If Brick is hosting (and his club is top shelf) you DO NOT want to miss it. Top five course of 2020 for me and top ten of my life.


Cleveland here. Podcast listener for about two years, first time refuge user. Interested in any and all matches/tournaments/meetups within the driving distance. Not afraid of the below 40 degree days or a little snow.


Welcome Jackson! Always great to see a fellow Clevelander on here. Definitely game for some winter golf at some point. Glad to have ya here


Thanks Joe. As long as you can stomach the company, the course is wonderful and worth it, for sure.


Anyone know of any decent courses to play in NEOH this time of year? With the lack of snow I’ve got the itch.


I saw someone posting on the gram yesterday at Manakiki. They said it was in good shape considering the rain/snow of late.

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Count me in!

First post on the message board. I’m a recent University of Cincinnati grad that resides in Cincinnati. I’m pretty new to golf and was wondering if anybody had taken lessons in the area and would have a suggestion on a coach that was fairly priced? Also, I am always down to play and always looking for people to play with!


Larry King at Tri County Golf Ranch is an excellent coach and offers lesson packages.


You guys are some troopers playing in sub 40 degree temps. I’m just a big pus now and can’t do it.

Morning Ohio! Joining your ranks in the next few weeks and looking forward to it. Moving from Chattanooga to Cincinnati to work at the Camargo Club and couldn’t be more excited. I’ve played Avon Fields and that’s it so thrilled to see the other courses around town. Being from Florida originally, bentgrass is new for me so that’s something I’m really excited about. Hope to see y’all around and meet up with some of the folks from the Avon event last November. Looking for residence near Oakley, Hyde park area if anyone knows of something.



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Oh man, Camargo is really incredible - the best in the City. Oakley/Hyde Park is a good area, I’d also recommend Madeira, Pleasant Ridge and Madisonville (PR and Madisonville are a little more affordable). Once you get settled in, you’ll have to sneak us riff-raff on at Camargo!


Welcome from an Ohio adjacent contingent

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Welcome MM! Glad to have you up here.

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Welcome! Significant Cincinnati contingent here, can’t say we’re gonna be playing your course much, but surely will have you out and about when you can :slight_smile:

If you’re in town already, just driving around oakley or HP you can catch a lot of for rent signs that you can inquire directly. Just saw one on Marburg Ave & Paxton that was a nice little house. Probably 15 min. from Camargo no interstate. Those ‘luxury’ apartments in Oakley are not a lot of bang for the buck btw…would definitely look for a multi-unit house, etc.

Also check Morten St. in HP. a couple really low frills apartment buildings there that will do the job well, and also are near some entertainment.


My wife used to rent half of a duplex in the heart of Hyde Park for next to nothing. Definitely avoid the luxury apartments, the rent is absurd.


Appreciate the advice, once I get my bearings, looking forward to the golf and meet ups. Seems like a great community