Roll Call - MN contingent? (Part 1)

Thanks @Battisstatus and @Mystic for a great afternoon of golf. First Refuge outing, Last round of 2020, and even more excited for Match Play 2021 and Lawsonia trip. Now I just have to figure out how to approach that conversation going forward with the kids about internet strangers.


Unless they’re golf strangers?


Tomorrow is going to be rough not golfing.

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Solid round today @Battisstatus and @cmlink47, I think the conversation we had coming off the 16th hole perfectly sums up why Refuge rounds are the best rounds. “Well it’s getting pretty dark what do you think about these last two holes?” And there was zero hesitation that we were going to try and squeeze them in.

And that shot from the soybeans was SICK, don’t forget to clean those shoes off tonight.

Moonlight golf in November :+1:t2:


Still can’t believe that happened hahahah

Anyone got an afternoon opening today? Can get out as long as I get my Xmas lights up this morning.

@Mystic @cmlink47

Was able to save everything except the laces


I really wish more than 5 courses were open today. Perfect weather out there, even if it’s just for a walk!


Just trying to get everyone’s take on an event I am planning, getting most of the cost details hammered out but just wanted to gauge interest.

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18 at Tanners on a glorious afternoon


I haven’t been there in 2 years. Kind of a mind blowing stat @bignanski

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Do you have a date set?

Might definitely be interested, though would likely be staying off of a resort as we have a family cabin up here. Depending on the date and schedules it might be both my brother (non Refuge member) and myself that might be interested?

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Chasing daylight out at Loggers tonight.:ok_hand:t2:


Tentative to late August

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Shameless plug for my friend’s new ghost kitchen.

Ribs with a revolving menu of fun and unique flavors, and the most amazing potato things you’ve ever had.

Check them out and let me know what you think!!


Grand Cafe was next on my list of places to go check out that were on the high side of my normal budget. They just announced that they won’t be opening up again…Damn. Big time regret not going sooner

Have you eaten at Eastside since Jamie Malone took over? Their constant reinvention during Covid is a cool strategy.

Yea, we checked out the la Pist concept. It was good not great though. I get why they have to pivot, and don’t mind supporting them but i feel like i missed out on not getting tableside service at GC. She did follow up, and say they are looking for a smaller place to operate GC once covid is done, so i won’t make the same mistake twice.

I feel immense pressure to help these restaurants stay open through covid by getting take out, but I end up ordering from the same 4-5 places over and over again. Although, now that Colita is on DoorDash it will be 6.