Continuing the discussion from Roll Call - MN contingent? (Part 1) - #10061 by Billy_Baroo.
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Continuing the discussion from Roll Call - MN contingent? (Part 1) - #10061 by Billy_Baroo.
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I’m down to do the draft tonight
Heads or tails?
We like that. Let’s do it!
Idk why but the word “contingent” in the title was annoying to me so I did a brave thing and deleted it after reading it for 3 fucking years.
The MN contingent is STRONG
Hey @GRWhitehead - I’ll do the gin. Thanks!!
Dammit you beat me to it
Do you want to take first pick or defer?
Here is the list of players
Group one
Group two (because you can’t post more than 10 tags…dumb)
In the spirit of friendship, good times, midwestern manners and MN Roll call two…
I’ll be taking the first pick, screw that other guy
@Taylorda I am, unfortunately, not in the under 30 crowd so I will not get the SR membership deal but I did purchase the Stonecard this summer (4 free rounds, reduced rates after that) plus I played quite a few times with @charvey and @freesypop (Thanks for the invites!), and I am strongly considering joining next summer. I just love that course. It’s so fun and challenging. I find it hard to believe that I would ever tire of playing out there.
For the record @Billy_Baroo my plan was to have the last post be the players walking into the corn as the last lost literally was waiting to hit reply but you beat me to it
You are on the clock officially now. You have 5 minutes. Any questions you want to ask to the available draft board?
Sorry, bud. Gotta work on that wifi speed.
At least I can buy WiFi speed. Swing speed on the other hand I’m screwed