Roll Call - Melbourne golfers!

Melbourne, Australia golfers out there?

I’ve been playing here for a little while now but would like to meet up with other like minded folk for a game or games around the place! I’m 36, play off 5 at the moment and am keen for a cold beer after the round.


Hi Bigbad.
If your based close to the city and ever looking for a hit on a Sunday morning you are welcome to join us for a round at Royal Park Golf Club.
Our Sunday club is keen for visitors and new member’s, the course is pretty friendly as are the members and we do have a few beers in the club house with the days comp presentations
We hit off from 7.30am so if keen for a relaxed round on a Sunday morning give me a yell.

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Checking in. There’s a few of us here @Bigbad

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Yes I know the one! Just opposite Princes Park. Will definitely take you up on that offer soon mate. I’m a member at Medway but always looking to get out and play other courses.

Awesome! Looking forward to a round or two with some fellow NLU crew.

Hey @MatthewM when was the last time you played 5 Times’ home track? Would suit the hickories.


It’s really good after the OCCM work isn’t it!

Several Melbourne based refugees to post here soon enough I’m sure. Can’t believe we haven’t started a thread yet!


Well looks like it’ll be good to catch up with a few of you for a game and some beers then! Surely someone has hook ups to play some of the sand belt tracks!? Haha

I’ll be back in Melbs from 13 December to 6 Jan. For most of that time I’ll be down in Rye, so if anyone wants to hack it around St Andrew’s Beach or the Dunes let me know.

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When I was at Uni this was my go to course. Cheap and cheerful and you have the sounds of the Zoo animals to add some colour to your round.

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Playing StAB tomorrow. What a course. Dunes is a treat too.


No worries let me know when you are free

Yep thats the one, its an interesting little course

Yes, there are some sandbelt members on here. Putting up the wayward drive signal for @DonCal.

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I’ll definitely be keen to make the trip down!

I don’t log onto this too often, hence my delay to the recent ‘call out’, but am happy to host at Metro if the timing suits. Best to email at


I’ll also be down there in Jan, most likely for around 3 days somewhere between the 7th and 12th, but possibly later in the month. If anyone’s up for a round or a beer let me know :+1:t2:

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Sounds like a fantastic time, would love to have a chop around Metro. Will e-mail early Jan to get an idea of when it can happen!


Gonna throw some chum in the water here for a potential ANZAC meetup in spring next year.

I’ve just turned 40 and am looking to celebrate with a week or so on the Sandbelt, probably in about October. I get reciprocals at most of them, but thought I’d get the word out early - I’ve even tempted @MG82 already and he’s way over in WA. I’ll let the Sydney folk know as well.

Plan for the week is as much golf as possible, followed by traditional post-round activities. Chances are I’ll have the lady and wee man in tow as well, at least for some of it, but I’m sure there’ll be a chance for some shenanigans!



Will depend mainly on the wife’s travel schedule for next year as we have a little’un on the way in February & stuff on overseas throughout the Northern summer, but pencil me in for now… would be good to meet up & play some of these places for sure! If there are other partners & kids in tow, that may even sweeten the deal :slight_smile:

Edit - Oh, and if any of you are ever over in the West, let me know & will see if I can get out for a whack & a beer.

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