Roll Call: L.A. County (Rustic Canyon and the Coachella Valley are not in L.A. County)

Welcome to LA! Where are you coming from in New England?

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(here we goā€¦)


I work in Huntington when I go to the office. Afternoon 9s at Big Rec are hopefully going to be more frequent for me in the next few months.

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Originally from Connecticut but have been living in Boston for the last year and a half. Two places where golf is only played in your dreams this time of year!

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Awesome, let me know if you ever need someone to play with

Yep! Grew up in Central MA, been out here for 7 years. Best decision.

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Good choicesā€¦have you played Lakewood?

Never. I rank my Long Beach area options like so:
Big Rec

I agree with that order but Lakewood is pretty funā€¦I wonā€™t even play Big Rec

I like the accuracy big rec calls for.

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Just played Skylinks for the first time todayā€¦ Better firmness than the other courses. I will say that I can usually get much better pace of play on weekdays at Big Rec. Thatā€™s a big bonus.

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Folks , could use a little help here:

Can anyone recommend a good instructor in or around LA? I canā€™t afford GG (no surprise), and I would prefer someone under $200 for an hour, but if no one has any recommendations I think Iā€™m going to pull the trigger on one lesson with Dana Dalqhuist. The Golf Digest best in state list does not really have a lot of LA county options. May go with Alison Curdt if no one has someone else theyā€™ve gone to and really liked. Sort of uneasy about checking out the Santa Monica GolfTec, as thereā€™s really no info out there I can find about their instructors

Alison is my friends neighbor and Iā€™d love to get introduced but my dumb friend has never spoken to her. Sheā€™s obv super smart and accomplished, would love to get a lesson.

@Bagger and I will be at Rustic on Sunday the 9th. Looking at probably a late morning tee time. If anyone wants to hook up for a game, let me know.

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Honestly, consider Iā€™m way into it.

Can you pick your instructor? Can I ensure I get @iacas?

Iā€™m not sure. But I do know Iā€™m hitting fades and anyone who knows me will tell you thatā€™s a miracle.


Generally, no, but Iā€™ve been known to make an exception.


Monte Scheinblum @ Oak Creek in Irvine is the man. $150/hr. People fly in to see him, heā€™s quite famous in the golfwrx land.

Dana is a great option.