Roll Call: KC Area

Here is a link to sign up for GHIN at BCN:

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My man, thank you! I just signed up.

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Much love! Thanks for the support!

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Seeing this definitely helps a lot.

I’m in the same boat as @ericrbens with other non-golf activities that take up my free time during the week and even on some weekends. I could potentially do 1-2 times a month depending on planning ahead and other things that may come up.

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For sure. I think being a part of the Roost is more about friends along the way then being hyper competitive and available every week.

Live I’d love to get a foursome out to Mules before end of year. Doesn’t have to mean anything but could be fun!


Very proud GHIN member of BCN. Just need that white hat with the red rope to return to back “in stock” on the store!


I think this or even a Ryder Cup team approach is spot on. All those who are committed (no matter how frequent or not) are able to be rosters in and out like a line change and that way ppl are still playing and growing community in KC Golf and the faces are changing week to week but golf is being played nonetheless as it barely is through the Nest - KC group right now outside of a few one-off tee times.


Have never made it to Mules but have heard its great. One of those rare places I haven’t heard a negative word about!

Unrelated…would love to pick your brain about your Michigan experiences. Trying to plan my annual college buddies’ trip up there for 2022.

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Anytime! Happy to help.

17 great holes!

Week nights are best for me. If we are talking weekends, it’d have to be Saturday or Sunday afternoons for me. At least for now and thru the spring. Summer schedule changes.

I think just getting it started, even if it’s just a once a month thing is key. Like it was said earlier, rip the bad aid off and go. I’m one of those that would be a regular possibly every week, but know not everyone can. Guys can play when they can. Just having a group of Nest members would be great as we all have similar interests and can have a little healthy competition. Meeting new people and developing friendships is why I’m here.

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Poll has 13 votes – all in favor – but 7 short of the requirement.

We may be short of the requirement for 2022 but that should stop us. We can latch onto another mid western roost and try to get one or two of our own to the big show. It’s all about getting started and we can grow from there.


15 years I would be all over this, however now I am member at a Club and have a kid in sports. You just have to start it and see what happens.

Considering the amount of organization needed to apply for a regional roost, it feels like we need to establish a Captain to take a KC (T)roost much further. Perhaps a meet up before the end of the year (maybe Mules like Ben suggested) would be a good place to do this?


Im in.


Band aid removed, application submitted. Details to be figured out later.

My basic plan;

  • Season long match play
  • Matches can be scheduled at your discretion, as often as you like, when it’s convenient for you
  • Once a month a more formal event will be scheduled with one or more tee times where matches will be played
  • Scoring will be a hockey style system, with points assigned to wins and ties.
  • Potential team play options also available, points adjusted accordingly
  • Total points accumulated crowns the champion to encourage participation
  • Restrictions on how many matches you can play against a single person to encourage interaction
  • Start of the season gathering at Advent Health Tournament where people can get to know each other in a casual setting

Yes. Premature for sure, but as has been discussed, seems like somebody just has to get it started. From basically Topeka to Columbia we have plenty of people. Happy to incorporate Omaha also.


You submitted an app for all of KC roosts? Or you saying app is submitted here by you haha

Love the initiative! Looking at the application, there some very specific answers regarding how the roost is setup. I’m sure all of that can be fluid but you mind sharing your answers to the application?