Roll Call: Iowa

That seems like a dual is set for the Butter Cow after that “how dare you”

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But then Id have to try and I want someone else to win this year and qualify for NIT (Yes I already have my excuses ready :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

I’d play you tomorrow in match play with current handicaps, I’ll gladly take 9 pops.


Gonna chime in here cause one more person from Des Moines/Omaha/other northerners could get us to a great spot. We probably won’t fill the field, so I’m considering play-in pods where you play matches against 2 or 3 other opponents in your pod before Mid-May and the person with the most points moves into the Elite 8 bracket (1 pt for win, 0.5 for tie). I’d probably pair the two Iowa/Nebraska pod winners against each other so you don’t have to travel to KC (or halfway) until the Final Four and Championship rounds.

Can I get one more person to sign up with that format??

Edit to add: those from other northern territories such as my hometown of the QC. Didn’t mean to exclude them, more than Quad Citians are already disowned by Iowa and Illinois as a whole.

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…and a free brisket grilled cheese come August?

@Worst12onEarth if we’re in the same pod i’ll gladly come your way for an excuse to play Blue Top again.

I’m tempted to sign up again just for the free brisket grilled cheese

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Where are these brisket grilled cheese available?!

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State Fair special!! He forgot to mention the mac and cheese and deep fried parts :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It was such a long name and when that heaven hits your taste buds, you nearly forget your own name.

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Hey @MerchCzar, @Randy, and @djpie - see what you’re missing out on by not yet making your triumphant return to Iowa and the greatest State Fair known to man!?


That thing was so good and actually reasonably priced. They came out hot and quickly too which was a bonus so we could get back to our cold beers.


Fine, fine, fine. I’ll do it. Do i need to do anything besides put my info on the spreadsheet?

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It was magical, a lot of state fair foods can sound better than they are or are overrated. This sandwiched exceeded my extremely high hopes.


It really did. That other corn jalapeno something-or-another was really under-whelming

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The only other thing you need to do is fill out the Roost thingy. Super simple and takes like 30 seconds.

Hey, @scagnetti, can you post that Roost form link thingy here for @Worst12onEarth please?

Fine, I’ll do it:

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Sorry, been busy prepping for water brunch.

No worries. I just couldn’t find it initially.

Hmmm… water brunch, eh?


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