Looking to add a course for a golf trip in Wisconsin (Grand Geneva) - any recommendations for courses in that area? The other courses at the resort have a scramble on Saturday so we can’t play those.
Lake lawn resort was a great option for our group when we were up there. Nothing special about it but we had some guys who rarely if at all played golf out (bachelor party) and had a great time. I’m still craving the breakfast burrito at the course.
Hawks View is a fun public course in that area.
Anyone ever played Delbrook? Stopped for a quick breakfast there a couple years ago.
I’ve played del Brook, it’s fine.
I like the Palmer course at GN. I’d co-sign Hawks View. Eagle Springs if you want more of a hidden gem.
Hawk’s View is probably the best course in the area. After that, I’m curious to see how the restoration at Abbey Springs went last summer, couple great views of the lake. Continuing public tracks in the area…
GN Trevino
GN Palmer
GG Brute
Country Club Estates
GN Player
GG Highlands
Lake Lawn
I’ll second Hawk’s View. Also I was just playing with a guy who was raving about Abbey Springs so that’s probably worth looking into. I haven’t played it so can’t confirm.
Abbey springs is ok. It they removed 1,000’s of trees and made the greens bigger it would be a lot cooler. It’s an old classic parkland overgrown resort course.
There’s really good land movement tho.
Crazy to think, with the deforestation of the Amazon rain forests, that golf courses could be the solution.
I think a lot of the greens were redone if I remember going through their updates correctly.
But yes, you are correct. I think only McHenry has a worse tree problem.
Good morning everyone. I’m Nick, new to the refuge, very excited about the upcoming golf season, definitely looking for a golf community here in Chicago. I’m a strapped boy at heart, grew up on the munis of northern VA. Been here in Chicago for a long while. Marovitz is my go to; early morning pre-work tee times. Pumped to find a NLU crowd to try to get involved with. I’ll be following along and seeing where I might be able to jump in. A true watch-this-space.
Jump on in! Lots of first timers coming out.
One of the best par 3 courses in the midwest on property there as well
We have a Thursday morning league that’s been just a gas.
Yeah I live on Delavan Lake. Hawk’s View is a lot of fun. Geneva National is great. Lake Lawn is ok and Delbrook is also ok. Abbey Springs just got redone so that would be cool to see as well. Here’s my rankings. Depends on your price point as well, I know Geneva National, Abbey Springs, and Grand Geneva are $125+ on the weekends, while the other courses are around $75. Hawk’s View Par 3 is a nice addition as well. Best value on this list would probably be Hawk’s View, as Lake Lawn, Delbrook, and Evergreen are much lower tier but each offer 27 holes for flexibility.
- GN Player
- GN Trevino
- GG Highlands
- GN Palmer
- Hawk’s View
- Abbey Springs
- GG Brute
- Lake Lawn (shoutout breakfast burritos)
- Delbrook/Evergreen (Delbrook has great food, and Evergreen just got new owners)
- Country Club Estates (because it is only 9 holes)
Nice! I’ll hop on the sub list and try to sneak in when I see an opening.
Mt P. Sunday Crew- looks like we’re rained out.
Plan B?
Just saw that email. I’m sick of crappy weather… weather seems to have hit mostly north so I’m taking a look at courses on the southside
I am interested in contingency plans.