
Could only mention 10 users so here are the remainder:



I’ll be there. If I can request the 9:50 that would be ideal. I may have a 2pm thing I need to get to


+1 and I are in :+1:

@Zachilroy I can try and get a buddy to fill one of the empty slots if they are open


In!!! Looking forward to it!


Myself and @MrChickPhilA are in for sure!


Looking forward to it!


In for sure!!!



Do It GIFs | Tenor

Done. I’m going to try to do a simple Selection Sunday type thing for pairings. I’ll make start 9:50 off with you. If there’s any package deals, Mr and Mrs @ChickPhilA for example, @barnabyjones you and your crew, I think one of you brought a few other names into the mix as well just let me know.

We can totally just wing it too we don’t have to randomize just thought it might be fun given the loose march madness theme.

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For the record @mrchickphila and I don’t have to be in the same pairing. We’ve seen each other a lot this past year lolololol. (Love you Jon)

I think a selection Sunday to go with the theme sounds awesome.


@jrbz and i are confirmed in. I am still waiting to hear back form @Mjkuhzck and @rpm415 – I assume they are still in.

Down with randomized foursomes.

He’s in

So that makes it barnabyjones +1 +2

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This is factually correct. I don’t need to play with @ChickPhilA, the drive alone will be enough - haha!


Awesome, I’m pretty sure my brother would be available in a pinch to bring us to 16 but if anyone else has someone they’d want to bring feel free to say so and we’ll prioritize that.

@barnabyjones , I am assuming you and your two will want to play together, is that correct? Otherwise I will put together the rest of the groups.

Thanks everyone, cant wait!

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If we can be in a group, that’d be awesome. But I have no issue abandoning them after the round to chum it up with everyone enjoying some cold beers.

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@Zachilroy , unfortunately due to some last minute family conflicts, @Mjkuhzck & @rpm415 can’t make it now.

@Zachilroy also, do you mind putting @jrbz and I in the same foursome? Sorry for all the difficulties!

No problem. So we’ve got 11 confirmed, @Craigstands and @Mroe if you could let me know ASAP so if necessary I can cancel a slot and let Makefield fill it so I’m not on the hook for unfilled slots I’d appreciate it.

Im in!

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I could also do with going off at that 9:50 to get home to my little one quicker