Phil’s Clubs

Meadowcreek Golf Course in Charlottesville VA. Fries were typical shoestrings. The best part was enjoyong it in the maintenance barn with my longtime friend who took over as superintendent.


They need to step up their frilly toothpick game.


Just a bad picture, the tops of the toothpicks had the yellow plastic!




Restaurant and or Clubhouse Managers REALLY appreciate it when you inform them that a menu Item’s name, does not accurately reflect the true nature of the product. I once opined that what I was served, was NOT a breakfast burrito, but was simply scrambled eggs and bacon in a tortilla.


I like the semi disorganized fries just tossed into the middle of the plate. It’s a golf course and presentation on a sand wedge is lost on me. Heck, a certain % of club sand wedges should be served “to go” and eaten between swings on a slow day. If good enough, it might stop you from physically assaulting the slow foursome ahead of you.

Contrarian take … hate garlic parm fries

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You’re not supposed to eat that type of club.


It’s been a minute since I have enjoyed a club. Adding it to my do to list.


Ladies and gentlemen of the Refuge, I present the club sandwich from Pasatiempo.

Not sure I’d call it a club though. No frilly toothpicks. No middle layer of bread. Great bacon though. And my guy Pete from the Broken Tee Society turned me onto The Pepper Plant’s 'Original California Hot Sauce" which might be one of the best sauces I’ve ever eaten. This made the entire meal worth it, because I put it on the sandwich and it was glorious.

I’d give it a 5.5/10 without the sauce, and a 6.4/10 with. The sauce as that good, and this post is really about this sauce.


I worked there in college and probably had that club a couple dozen times, looks like it hasn’t changed. Not a great club, just okay. It was often obvious the bacon was cooked many hours earlier.


Pepper Plant FUQS. Don’t sleep on their BBQ sauce, either.


Location: Buckhorn Springs Golf and Country Club, Valrico, FL
Price: Free (on brother’s tab), but probably $14

Look at this fucking thing:

Bread was marble rye, which I believe was a choice. It has–yes–two kinds of cheese, cheddar and I am pretty sure the other was provolone. It obviously was not lacking for meat, though the turkey distribution left a bit to be desired. It also had good amounts of mayo, but combined with the tomato, there was an “incident” where I may have squeezed a triangle too hard and the entire contents squirted onto my shirt and then the floor. We were keeping it classy, as one is required to do at the 'Horn.

Notably, this was consumed in the middle of a 36 b̶e̶e̶r̶ hole Saturday, during a torrential but brief downpour, which meant the entire clubhouse was jam-packed, and the “incident” generated much hilarity. I also would be remiss if I did not mention the high quality of the Buckhorn membership. Despite the fact that it would have been easy pickins for a Hillsborough County parole officer that day, it’s hard to imagine a better crew.

As noted in another thread, the toothpick does indeed look like a hybrid.

Sandwich: 6.4
Slaw: 1.8 (tragic ordering blunder)
Hang: 9.7

Oh yeah, and we went back out for the second 36, and this guy hit my brother’s ball…allegedly for the third time in 2023. This was his solution to make sure he didn’t do it again:


This sandwich deserves this gif


I had the club at Pasa tonight and while I didn’t take any pictures, I did inhale it because I was super hungry. Fries were good as well.

10/10 Phil’s

Thanks for coming to my club talk.


Brilliant deployment of the word “expulsion”! Some artisanal work much like the club itself.

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Did you get the The Pepper Plant sauce?

Once ordered a huge jug of pepper plant whilst living in NC. Was a good move

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You guys know you can get it on Amazon, right?


Whole Foods also carries it.

I use it on my steaks quite often. It’s a bit on the salty side but also that’s why it’s really good lol.

Since it’s Masters weekend I would like to say I am embarrassed for Augusta that this is their club sandwich.