NLU Peloton Thread - New Years Resolutions

I’m pretty excited for this to come and do the 30 day trial. The platform and measurements is probably going to get me hooked.

It’s a slippery slope for sure. My wife just got her 52 week streak yesterday and has been pestering me for months now about getting the treadmill :roll_eyes:

This thread is perfect. Keep up the good work guys, i will get back on tonight.

Riding mainly with Christine these days because I dig her playlists, but I have also been using the search function to try to find music I like (yet to find anyone featuring The Hold Steady, but I keep looking) and will be checking out some other instructors I had overlooked previously. Of course yesterday I slipped on the ice and threw out my back, so might be off the bike for a few days.

going to jump on tonight for another ride. Need this thread to keep me accountable.


how intense are the tabaata rides? as i said before my dr told me not too push it too hard and figured they would not be appropriate for me.

yeah tabata is not for you if you can’t push yourself. Heavy sprints with limited rest duration. Sets of 5 of 30 second sprints 10 seconds rest is what you can expect as an example.resistance isnt the highest but your heart gets working.

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Anyone have experience with the other on-demand instructor courses like the strength / yoga / meditation / bootcamp items?

Haven’t had a chance to dial them up for myself yet. Any feedback on them?

I’ve done one 15 min leg/lower body workout with it, and it seemed great. Kind of exactly what you’d expect from Peloton instructors.

i did one of the strength workouts back in the summer and it was pretty decent, a little short but it was a changeup from p90x. ive also done a bunch of meditation when i was in the hospital to keep that streak going and that was good although i dont have anything to compare it to.

I’ve done the strength workouts and the stretch. I can recommend both and you can see what you need if its just body weight or actual weights and i do them at home with the equipment i have there or when i’m at an actual gym. My wife has done more than me and swears by the running workouts and the bootcamp and strength workouts she does

I’ve done yoga. Haven’t kept up with it because I’m awful and just get frustrated, but I should do it more.

If you didn’t know, you can connect peloton to a lot of tvs or through something like Roku. Works great if you have a tv in the area you are working out if you are doing non bike classes.

Peleton? I thought that the millennials are buying the mirror thing now

that thing does look pretty cool

Just joined the club, delivery in 2 weeks. I had a Lemond spin bike with a cadence sensor and the Peloton app previously. And then my club got a Peloton and I realized that I liked the bells and whistles. I echo the challenge of golf season workouts, so hoping by getting everything under one roof, I can be more consistent. Unfortunately, I can’t count golf as my workout, even when walking (as the 20 lb weight gain this season shows).

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positive spin on this: gain would have been more without all the exercise you got from golfing.

Congrats on getting a Peloton think youll really like it. The bells and whistles are what makes it so nice.


Is that app expensive if you don’t have their bike? We have a regular spin bike that has been collecting dust. We are remodeling the finished side of our basement this month and it will be a good space for the bike and bodyweight workouts.

No, it’s about $13/month. All the classes. I originally didn’t think that having the target metrics and leaderboard would be helpful to me, but I definitely find myself pushing hard to stay in the top x% of people who have taken the class. Or try to beat an old level of output during the class.

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Hitting up a tabata ride tonight @Taylorda @JBors let’s hop on those bikes guise

Live? What time?