NLU Ladies

Me “checking” on that

Ya, they said they’re good with it


Are you open for commissions? Something along these lines?


Damn that’s a great logo.

Oh that’s a great logo, and wouldn’t be too hard to make into a pattern. I could design a cross stitch pattern for $30 (my base price for bigger pattern designs as they typically take a couple/few hours to create and clean up) then I could quote you the cost for it to actually be stitched. Costs are generally a penny a stitch + $10 material charge + cost of a frame + shipping. If you’re interested, feel free to email me the logo at and we can work out the details. I literally just finished all these projects so I do have time to work in other projects. And logos are great. I designed and stitched this one too:


Oh my goodness this one is amazing. Will do. Thanks!

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I always google search unique usernames to see what else is out there in the world - @MotoRuxin, you are not messing around.

There’s an entire market here for people who want crazy custom belts that pay $150+ for some generic mass produced ones…

Or… @Geaugolf combo attack on some headcovers?


I’ve been stitching since I was a kid, then started streaming on Twitch 6 years ago. The Eagle was a State Fair entry (won first place) and the PBR monster was a contest entry (second place), and Fat Sonic is just awesome :slight_smile: Lots of the nerdy pop culture stuff is either my idea or my Twitch stream viewers ideas. It’s awesome having a community to make things for/with.


Christ a true renaissance woman. I can confirm she also has excellent taste in TV/Film…But, I have to admit–and I feel like a boomer–I have no clue what a Floss Tuber is…I’m 29…

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Floss Tube is basically just a YouTube channel for vlogging and showing and talking about your finished Cross stitch projects, projects your working on, etc. I kept up with it for awhile, then just got too busy with other things. Husband and I play 8 ball and 9 ball APA and I’m up to 3-4 nights a week doing just that.

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This is going to be a great event! Registration is open to anyone and would be a great chance to meet a few fellow Ladies of the Refuge.

You’ll have me (hosting) + our Merch Dame @ChickPhilA from the NLU side + the fabulous @madkins representing The Fried Egg!

The Thirstbucket


Can’t wait!!!


Many people are saying this could be the highlight of Events SZN


Hey there - we are putting on the Chunks at the Chuck in Alameda (Northern California) and are hoping for a bit more representation from the ladies. It’s on Sunday, March 20. If any of you are interested, hit me or @hwb up and we will try to make it happen. We are filling up but have some space for now and are trying to get a few more ladies out there!

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I can’t risk travel that close to Scotland but I sure am hoping I’ll get to Cali sometime to see a bunch of you guys. If flights continue to be quite cheap would definitely make it more likely :relaxed:

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We’ll keep the course conditions crispy until then!


So my girlfriend and I are friends with recent PGA Tour winner Luke List’s sister, and she actually borrowed a set of clubs from Luke’s mom because she wanted to start hitting balls at the range when I go. Well, she never carried the bag with her because it was a tour bag and she really only wanted to hit a couple of clubs at a time. So I looked at the bag that’s been sitting in her basement for nearly a year now and this is what I see….



:bangbang: :exploding_head: :bangbang:


Looks like Lulu has ladies pants that can double as golf pants!!


Good to know! I bought these Adidas pants in blue and black, and they’re really comfortable for golf.

I have a few pairs :grimacing: they came out last year.