Heavyweights: Thicc Boys of the Refuge Unite!

Day 1 :ballot_box_with_check:


Status update: Had a third child three weeks ago. Exercise habits have maintained, but I definitely took it easy on what and how much I was eating. I weighed in yesterday morning at 185, so I’m down 27 pounds from my all-time high in October. My brother-in-law is getting married in Thailand in June - the goal is to be down to 175 by then. I am recommitting to tracking calories again until then.

As a side note, my life enjoyment has increased substantially since making my health and fitness more of a priority. I’m really proud of the change I made and excited for what the future holds.


sir, this is the Heavyweights thread


I’ve never been more delighted to get dunked on.


We are in the same boat. Just had our third, still going to OTF MWF, but the amount of food that has been gifted/brought over is just too much. I’m eating my way through the fridge to get it out of sight!

Hard not to snack/eat when I work at home and have breaks. Just been a real struggle. Clothes don’t look good with the larger curves (than before baby).

Thankfully I have walked almost every round and we took littlest minion out in the stroller on the course yesterday while I played 6-7 holes and the wife walked along side…if that gets me to play more golf, I’m all for it!


This is absolutely my derailing issue. I don’t want to go back to the office but man would it help!


One thing that has helped me is that when I work from home I don’t go by the pantry where all the salty snacks are (my vice, I don’t love sweets). I’m not a coffee drinker so I drink crystal light packets with caffeine. I check the box in the morning to make sure it’s not low, if it is I go in the pantry first thing in the morning when I’m not hungry to grab a new one. Now during the day I have no reason to look in there and get tempted. Not that will work for you but something that has worked for me. Out of sight out of mind.

Have you ever heard the country song “Every time I make my mark, somebody paints the wall”?
Yeah, that has been this damn year.

The latest obstacle is that I stepped on a rotten step at work, went through it spraining BOTH ankles, and then fell the rest of the way down the staircase. I had just started working out consistently, and this accident forced me to walk with a cane for a couple weeks. I was very fortunate that I was able to play golf at all on my spring break trip, but I am still working through PT to get my full strength/endurance back.

At this point, I just want to be healthy and able to enjoy walking the course again. I’m restarting a DDP Yoga program that has worked well for me in the past, and want to add in some weighs once I can more fully trust my ankles.


I wanted to make a joke about Diamond Dallas Page Yoga, but it turns out he’s a yogi now, so that’s interesting.


It’s a really cool story. His yoga has helped a lot of overweight guys and guys with chronic injuries. Jake Roberts credits DDP for him being able to walk (and probably be alive) right now


Hey, I am sorry to hear that. Fell down the stairs once and broke both wrists and some ribs. Was awful.

Get better.

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Down 2.2 - really digging these Peloton Tread Hike Bootcamps. Sweat like crazy at 12.5° incline and then get some full body strength mixed in.

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Update, surgery went well and I’m 2 weeks into cast time. 4 more weeks to go before I transition to a boot. Very much ready to hit a ball again. I am renewing my focus on health during this time so I can be lighter and healthier when I get back to full strength.


So after a week of vacation down in Florida I’m as heavy as I’ve ever been, which totally sucks as I intended to, well, not be a slob for the last few months.

Took the initiative to re-up with Weight Watchers this evening as I’ve had good success with them in the past and recognize I need to do something to get on track. Gym starts tomorrow too so I guess we’ll see if at 41 I can get back on track with getting un fat (or less fat). There was a time I had self discipline and motivation and I’m hoping I can recapture some of that as well.


Good morning to all the big bois out there. Looking for some recommendations on golf pants. Flexibility, comfiness, and breathability are the main attributes I’m looking for. I haven’t tried any of the jogger style pants, so if someone has input on those verses other offerings, would love to hear it.



I really like the LinkSoul boardwalker chinos. They have a nice feel, thin and stretchy, but look almost like a nice pair of wool blend chinos (heathered…not solid color up close). They also bead/repel water really. There’s a five-pocket version, too, but run a little snug in the quads/thighs. goat33 has worked at checkout for me on pretty much every piece that isn’t discounted at LinkSoul.

Let me make another comment about the look of the material…I don’t love them with the bright/shiny performance material looking shirts…I think they’re great with cotton shirts (I’m the weirdo who loves cotton shirts when I play), blends, and shirts that are poly but look like blends (TravisMathew, etc…).


Also love this thread. As someone who has always struggle a little with impulse control (too much food and beer) and wants to continue to trim down, I’d tell everyone that it’s possible to get to where you want to be.

When I got married in 2008, I was 315 (6’3") and ate like garbage. I got married and instantly lost a little weight from diet, but got into very simple exercises and I’m 230 now. I’ve been as low as 205 and that’s my goal to get back there again this year. Using LoseIt app (really like it…did Noom for a few years and found the food tracking to be clunky and I grew to hate the psychology/motivation aspect of it…and, not that it matters, but a lot of the platform is very much more from the perspective of female weight loss…again, not a deal breaker).

Easter weekend has always been a big setback weekend for me…I teach at a Catholic school, so I get Thursday-Monday off and it’s just too easy to sit around, watch golf (especially when the Masters lines up with this break), and drink too many cocktails (shout out tequila high noons…as good as the guys say). But…I’ve learned that one weekend cannot possibly make or break you if you get right back after it and do the little things well ASAP (walk more, drink more water, log everything you eat).


Kudos on the initiative. Just remember not to overdo it in the early days. Focus on changes that will last.

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Can you talk more about what you didn’t like about Noom? I’ve never tried it.

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For sure!

  1. It’s a lot of (in my opinion) busy work to get through the courses. You read articles…nothing too dense, but they dig into some research, some testimonials, etc… There are quizzes here and there to make sure you’re paying attention. If you choose to get put in a group with a coach, the app asks you to post to your group about a realization or whatever. I just wanted to get in, log what I eat, and maybe get some insights on correlation between behaviors and outcomes.

  2. It makes promises about rewiring your psychology and learning about why you do the things you do…and I felt (personally) way underwhelmed in that arena. At the end of the day, it just felt like WW with homework and bad jokes (tons of puns).

  3. It categorized food into Green, Yellow, and Red (I think they switched red to orange) and they insist that there are no bad foods, but that red foods should be consumed in smaller quantities. Red foods were just calorically dense. They really push fruits, especially grapes and watermelon, as ways to snack and feel fuller with fewer calories. I didn’t hate the color coding, but to me calories are calories at the end of the day, and if I chose to scramble a few eggs and have half an avocado for breakfast, all my red food budget was gone, even if I stayed way under budget for the day.

  4. Their database for foods you can search for and scan barcodes for is VASTLY inferior to to Lose It. I think I’ve maybe scanned two or three foods in the last month that LoseIt didn’t recognize. It seemed to happen almost weekly on Noom.

  5. I started out with a coach type person, and in theory you can set like a red-zone behavior and your coach would text to check on you…so for example, if I failed to log any food in a day, I’d get a text. However, it was auto-generated and my coaches got switched a few times…eventually, the text I’d get for skipping started “Hey there, it’s NoomGuides!” instead of the person’s name.

With all that said, the first really big effort I made on Noom, I dropped a good 20 safely and steadily and loved where I was going. I tried at the beginning of this year to rededicate myself to it and just couldn’t seem to make any progress.