Heavyweights: Thicc Boys of the Refuge Unite!

Hell yeah, man! Look at that glide path…super consistent. Congratulations.


I jumped on this thread a few months back and was 260 - wanted to help my golf swing so I eased up on powerlifting and did intermittent fasting and started running - down to 240 boys! Still thicc but maybe dropped a C :joy:


I was consistently dropping lbs until this weekend. Overdid it with pizza and cake for my son’s 6th birthday. Going to get back after it starting today. Still down 20 lbs in 2 months which is awesome, but I was so close to 25. I’m loving the support and camaraderie here.


Has anyone else struggled with post-golf fatigue? I’m just getting into the swing of my season here in MN. This winter I did 2-3 Fit for Golf workouts a week, dropping around 7lbs and 1-2% of body fat (need to work on my calories). I tend to do 1-2 cardio sessions a week during the winter.

My home course is a tough walk, usually about 7 miles with some hillage, but with adequate water (usually over 64 oz/round), snacks, and using a remote powered push cart, I find I can barely keep my eyes open after 18 holes. Yesterday I walked 27 and almost fell asleep at dinner. I also am alcohol free for 90+% of my golf.

On Fit for Golf’s site and podcast, these a lot of talk about what fatigue is and how it’s not necessarily from poor cardio fitness but also from muscle fatigue. Unfortunately the answer is probably mostly lose more body fat to help, but this year feels more noticeable than others and I’m theoretically in better shape.


Can confirm, I find it’s largely related to sun exposure, even during early season. Never underestimate how much energy the sun will suck out of you, even riding 18 instead of walking.


Roll call…

How’s everyone doing this week?

I settled into a new belt notch this week and hit a new low for this stint of loss. Feeling great and in a good place with diet and activity with the nice weather.

Goal: sub-200 by end of June when we go to Italy. Outlook: positive (currently 204).


Not sure how I’ve never seen this thread but glad I found it!

Not sure what triggered it but a few months ago I finally said screw it and started intermittent fasting. Always struggled with my weight swings my entire life but finally crested 260 and something snapped in me. Been doing a 12-8 eat window and sort of limited carbs unintentionally. Did you know bread has lots of calories?

My goal was to get to the 220s by the end of this month and I’m 230.2 this morning. I’m going to have a set back this weekend with my dads birthday and the holiday weekend but I’ve proven to myself I can fast a little more aggressive the week after and have little to no effect on overall loss. Which has been huge for me mentally.

I think the biggest thing I’ve also proven to myself is just how important diet is. I have done almost zero workouts in the last 3 months and I’ve lost 30lbs or so. I’ve also enjoyed my daughters first birthday or dinners out occasionally and not let it ruin me or feel bad.

The only thing I’m really struggling with is working out. Idk why but I’ve had zero motivation to do physical activity. Im not slouching around the house or anything. I work a desk job from home but once the day ends I’m chasing my 1 year around. Doing yard work or house chore stuff and then maybe relaxing for a few minutes before I go to bed. I need to force some resistance or cardio work in somewhere. I’m just really struggling with where.

What are everyone’s thoughts on Fit For Golf? I follow him on Instagram and it’s not like it would be expensive to try. But wondering if it’s worth it at all for the structure or just should I google stuff?


I hit a new belt notch as well! Congrats man. I’m hanging in there as well. A bit disappointed at my rate of loss over the past month but I’m not going to let that affect how I choose to eat. Veeeery excited to see 21X on the scale again. I was hoping my last weigh-in yesterday would be the day but maybe next week.


I feel you on exercise. I’m consistently falling into the mindset that I’ll workout when I lose all the weight I want which makes zero sense. Also my 3 year has completely eliminated my ability to work out early in the morning by suddenly waking up an hour earlier every day.


Started up another “challenge” where I pick a few daily and weekly goals and track them in Sheets. I always make better decisions across the board when running one, which makes sense. But I keep finding myself at the end of the 1-2 month period that I set as the end date for that specific challenge resisting to start up another one. I have this feeling that I want to just do those things without having to gamify or track it. But I’m slowly internalizing what I logically already know: 1) that’s dumb, just do it, I know it works and it isn’t time intensive to track; 2) the only way I’ll reach a point of just doing it out of habit eventually is to keep tracking it for a long period of time. So we’re making progress. The other good news is that the periods when I’m not tracking the goals are much, much better than before, even if they’re not where I want them to be yet. Positive trends.

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Checking in to see how my fellow Thicc Boys are surviving this summer?


I fell off the eating right wagon pretty hard for months and paid the price. After our Disney trip last week decided this Monday was the good day to get back on the wagon. Going to the gym took a hit this week as I had to be in the office 3 days, which blows. So that’ll come back next week.

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Hey all, glad I found this thread. I’ve always been a big guy and it took a toll on my golf. I could barely walk 9, and was always super self conscious about playing with others. I hit an all time high of 323 lbs at the end of 2019, and decided it was time to take action.

My girlfriend and I hit weight watchers hard basically when Covid started, and I saw results. I hit a low of 230 lbs about 6 months ago and have basically been maintaining since then. Haven’t been making the best choices the past few weeks, so this thread may be just what I need to get back on the horse. Always down to give out any tips I learned along the way.

Also can confirm losing a bunch of weight helps with the golf game, my handicap fell pretty drastically. Plus I enjoy walking 18 regularly now!


We have been staying pretty strong so far. Have had some lapses and backsteps but have kept getting on the scale. Have gotten a lot more conscious of what makes good snacks and feel like I have grown as a chef through all of this.

As of this morning we are down 30 pounds from our start date of Feb 22. Need to get better about our weekends if we want to keep our progress going, but I am surprised with how I have stuck with the program for some long.


Currently on a 10 break from all things with the wife in Italy (read as eating all the pasta, cheese, wine, and gelato).

Plan to plug back into a modest diet and exercise routine when we get back.

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Wow congratulations! That’s a ton of weight.

I’m down 34 lbs since March. Plateaued for a couple of weeks, but I’m making my way down again. I’m struggling to keep with the program on weekends, but overall, I’m making healthier choices and feeling better and more confident.


Weekends doom me at times. And oddly enough working from home has been a real issue. No fridge or cupboard to go stare into when I’m bored at the office.

Weirdly I’m the opposite, what really kills me is buying snacks at gas stations. I’m on the road around town basically every day for work, it’s just way too easy to stop in lol

I’m in construction, so I pack my coffee break and lunch everyday and that keeps me on track. It takes away the temptation of going out in the city and grabbing something not particularly healthy.