Heavyweights: Thicc Boys of the Refuge Unite!

I was like that pre COVID shutdown. Office job but I’d pack lunch/snack everyday and not deviate. Home is a whole other issue!

Another thing that has worked well for me is logging what I eat. I’m signed up for Noom, so I do it on their app, but it keeps me accountable when I log everything that I eat. It makes me think twice about snacking, or to pick a healthier option. Something like that might work for you? Even if you just write it down with pen and paper or type it into a spreadsheet.

What is the noom program like?

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Their program is comprised of a few things:

  1. Educate you about the psychology, Neuro chemistry, and biology of hunger.
  2. Track your intake and output.
  3. Provide you with personal coach and group support.
  4. Build new healthy habits once you are aware of your current good and bad ones.

There is a lot of flexibility in the pace you move and how you achieve your goals.


Also, roll call Thicc Boys; how’s everyone doing midway through the summer?

Poorly! Hoping to change that after this coming weekends 4 day golf trip.

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Really good actually. I’m down ~30 since the end of February and have been holding steady at 218 for a while which is a weight I feel good at. I had a family friend say I looked really good and asked if I’ve lost weight so that felt really good.

I told myself at the beginning I’d like to be around 215. Going to try and see if I can continue shedding off a few still though.


Sold, just bought the deal. Appreciate the info!

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Hit my first goal of getting into the 230s, which is down around 30 pounds since the holidays. At the beginning I thought I would look much more lean or whatever when I hit this goal. I’m realizing I have a lot more to lose if I so choose.

The problem: I hit this goal and have been giving myself more leeway. In my case this looks like Payday bars and beers. So, gotta get that in check but onwards we go.


the other issue is your are probably replacing fat with muscle. I have been in the gym hard and have only dropped like 10lbs but i definitely look better.

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Spent the end of last week at Pinehurst, and after 4 days of golf in extreme heat/humidity, I think it’s time to finally get back on the horse. About to start traveling for work so hoping to get some basic bodyweight work in the hotel, but gotta figure something out to stay motivated. Any advice on motivation or ideas to keep it focused is always welcomed.


Happy to see this thread pop up again. I weighed in for the first time since Memorial Day and was very pleased to see that I’d lost 5 more pounds after not really focusing that much on planning/weighing/exercise during June-July. That brings my total for the year to 23.7 pounds. I’m hoping to ride that momentum into the fall.


Down 12.5 kgs (or nearly 2 stone) since 22 Jan 2022 and most of that has been in the last month and a half. Cut out snacking, went back to the gym following a programme which I found on the internet and eating one meal a day. I’ve found I don’t really need dinner. If I happen to eat dinner, I’ll avoid carbs. Also cut down the booze massively.


neither of these measurements make sense!

edit: Nice job though!



(When I was writing “stone” I did think to myself that “Andre the Giant” was never described as being 37 stone…)


Got some thicc boi items on the Silk Road if anyone is interested. https://refuge.nolayingup.com/t/silk-road-3-0/69347/5717?u=detroitgolfer19

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Just signed up for a 10k Spartan race in mid-October. Never done one before. Anyone else employ the “sign up for a big race to quick my butt in gear” approach to fitness?


Noom recommends that approach as a goal-setting measure.

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When I was at my heaviest a few years ago, I decided I was going to run a half marathon again and signed up (late Feb) for one in early May.

Lost 40+ pounds in training and beat my goal of running 13.1 miles in under 2 hours. Set the goal and then go kick ass to beat it.


That’s awesome! I’m actually super pumped. I usually do these things when I’m “starting over” after gaining weight. This time I’m actually 3 lbs off my lowest adult weight already so I’m excited to see how it goes. 77 days to prepare…