Heavyweights: Thicc Boys of the Refuge Unite!

Good work!

After a little stagnation on my end I buckled down on diet again by cutting out grains for a few days and hit a new low weight for this effort over the weekend.

The time of day you weigh yourself can matter a lot too. If you weigh in after a morning workout and before you eat/drink at all, you’ll always be lighter than if you weigh in at the end of the day.


I like to weigh in nakey right before getting in the shower at the end of the day.

Same but I do mornings after going to the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything.

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I’m down 11 lbs since my last post here. Up to 18 lbs total. Mostly just due to diet changes and logging food on Noom. Next step is to get a bit more active. I weigh in first thing every morning to try and take out as many variables as I can and get a better view of progress.


Great job, man. You mentioned this is largely diet driven so far, but do you have increased activity planned to supplement?

I’m down 13 lbs overall since tracking in Noom with a couple plateaus along the way. This time around I’m trying to take a slower pace with it to build sustainable habits since last time I burned down 50 lbs and put 25+ back on.

I gave myself a “cheat” day today: ate two donuts, two cups of coffee with creamer, sushi for lunch, and tacos for dinner… and stayed under by calorie budget, so I’ll call that a win. Overall I’ve found my appetite is so reduced I usually need to make effort for an additional snack to keep my calorie count high enough that my body doesn’t start to shut down my metabolism.

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That’s quite the cheat day. But good for sticking under budget too. I don’t have anything like officially planned to increase activity. Trying to get a bit more walking in by parking further away or I’ll take the stairs more at work if it’s not too many flights. I’m an electrician, so I’m always moving and climbing ladders and stuff, but that makes it harder to have the energy to be active after work. Then, my wife is on an opposite schedule, so in the evening I watch our 2 year old.

I’ve been wrestling the idea of joining a private 9 hole course near me that has really good practice facility and a gym, but I don’t know that I’d be able to make it there often enough to justify the cost.

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Anyone have insights on the Whoop product? Thinking of giving it a try as nothing really else seems to be helping keep focused on my weight loss.

Thank in advance.

I like it! Definitely has made me mindful of overall health and wellness like getting sleep, getting down on alcohol. It’s not really a weight loss tool though

This has probably cut my alcohol consumption by 75-85% Low calorie and sugar, but some munchies that can be overcome by drinking water. If you can get your hands on this stuff.


I use whoop just as a sleep tracker and it works well for that. It’s helped me learn some of what helps me get better sleep. If you want to lose some weight, I’d recommend Noom. I’m about 6 weeks into the program and I’m down almost 20lbs. It feels sustainable for the long term. I’ve made a few changes to my diet and just generally been more mindful of what I’m eating. Nothing too extreme.

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I used Noom in the past ( 2 years total) and while it worked for me for a while, I ended up putting all the weight I had lost back on plus a few extra. Worked well when logging every meal was new and not a chore, also I had a really good goal specialist. He moved onto another role and I was given two new goal specialists that were awful. I actually requested a new one because the second one was so bad, third was only marginally better. Just grasping for straws at this point.


I know we’ve talked about this before, @Kirk19 , and I’m with you that it’s tough. My first time on Noom I lost 50 lbs over 5 months being really aggressive with my diet and exercise and thought I had it made in the shade (arguably was unsustainable). But over the course of the last year, and especially during an overindulgent and sedentary winter, I put 25 lbs back on.

This time around I’m taking it slower and being more realistic with my diet and activity. Go three days without a workout? It’s ok. Had some ice cream or a beer? Live life. Here is what that has done for me over the last two months:

I’m focused on making it sustainable this time. I already know the dietary and biological info they teach and how to hack it, now it’s about reinforcing that in a slower and manageable way.

Whatever you choose to support your weight loss effort, just be sure to give yourself grace in the process.


Non-weight number related win today: back to the belt notch I was using at my previous low weight, as of this morning. Unexpected feeling of pride today. :slight_smile:


Hey y’all, I’m new to this forum and just came across this thread. I’m a certified thicc boy (6’3, 290) and definitely could use the motivation to lose a good amount of weight. I’m on a bunny hill of my weight roller coaster at the moment (highest 467, lowest after that is 243) and I have a wedding suit to fit into in about a year’s time… anyway, I’ll be reading up on this thread for some inspiration. Thanks for giving me something to read. :slight_smile:


Welcome! It’s all about mindset and consistency.

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Checking in, how’s everyone doing now that we’re into warmer weather in the North (read as: grilling with a beer weather)?

With nice weather (and more opportunity to hit the range/course) my activity is up and my weight trend continues downward. Feels good man.


It has not been good for me. Slipped back into old habits, weight went up, I got pissed and frustrated at myself and gave up over the last 2 weeks. Going to try and get back to what I have in the past but the frustration has me in a really bad headspace right now, so who knows to be honest. This could be the most depressed/frustrated I have ever felt about my weight.


Same freaking boat… Just feel awful…

I am switching over to Keto again to be a bit more restrictive on foods that i believe cause me to overeat (chips and things like that). being more restrictive on what I can eat will hopefully stop that from happening. It also helps that i lost a lot of weight on it a few years ago. Just sucks that I gained most of it back.


Congrats! I’m still on my journey as well and making consistent progress. I’ve pretty much dropped exercise though, except for walking. Looking to get back into a consistent Peloton and lifting routine.


I have been holding pretty well to my habits. Have been on the road for work the last couple weeks and managed to make intelligent decisions with my food choices and not drink 1000 calories of beer.

Need to get some more structured workout activities in my habits. But walking rounds in the AZ heat is a pretty good workout so far.

We are down 25 lbs in 3 months.