Heavyweights: Thicc Boys of the Refuge Unite!

Lacrosse, great game of the Americans

Oh, I know what that is.

yea in college

Fun fact, while everyone assumes hockey is Canada’s official sport, it’s actually lacrosse


I would argue lacrosse is America’s National sport invented by Native Americans prior to being mass murdered (cc @Lazstradamus)

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There is no argument here.
The origin of the sport is tough to pinpoint as it was being played by indigenous people up here and in the north east of the US going back hundreds of years (based on a tiny amount of research)
It can also be the national sport of the US too.
I mean soccer is the national sport of multiple countries around the world I would imagine.

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Bump agree bump

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Well holy shit. Just read through all the 500something posts…and I now know I’m not the only one who lets their weight get the best of them. After reading some of your stories and reasons, I realize I’m just lazy af. Used to be athletic and active. Almost 30 and no kids, ie no excuse.

No promises on how I get started here, but about time I go from fat back to husky.


I was asked this in bar trivia one time and they said it’s actually both. Granted my source is trivia at one bar, so take it with a grain of salt. I could definitely believe it though. They’re basically the same game just played on different surfaces

(I swear if anyone says ‘well ackshually they’re different’ I will wish a pox on you)

Also do people in Canada really like lacrosse? Or do they just play to pass the time until hockey fires back up

I used to go to a lot of indoor (box) lacrosse games here in Colorado. (shout out Mammoth).

90% of the rosters were Canadian boys. (just looked up this years roster, 2 Americans, the rest Canucks)

Yeah, I’d say they like themselves some lacrosse.

There are always people that love it but it’s not huge by any means. There was some hype a few years ago when the Toronto Rock were winning championships in the NLL, but now you dont even get a mention on Sportscentre.

Edit: I guess it depends on what part of the country you’re in. East coast there is not much demand for it


You misspelled that


They spell it differently in Canada



If you’re bad today, be good tomorrow.


And this is why I love OrangeTheory

Also, sad I missed the lacrosse chatter, because it’s definitely the official sport of Canada, and Equestrian is the official sport of Maryland.


Enjoying the thread - seeing myself in a lot of the replies, stories, updates, and shortcomings.

I work in the medical field and after hitting my peak weight around the time my daughter was born in 2017, I decided to go to a weight management clinic for a full professional assessment including meeting with a doctor specializing in weight loss (a bariatrician), a dietician, and a food psychologist. After my assessment, I was started on a non-stimulant medication that was aimed at reducing appetite and reducing the satisfaction that came from eating (especially a lot, quickly).

It was far from a miracle cure, taking an embarrassingly long time to get from 235lb to 201lb earlier this spring. But unfortunately, I have fallen off the wagon and am now in the 220-225 range. Frustrated, not feeling like I want to go back to the clinic/medication route, but spinning my wheels a bit.

Really excited to read the success that others have had and good look with the next month!


Man… Thanksgiving celebrations have been a new low. I did well not over eating to the point of sickness, but I’ve felt consistently full for 4 days now. Not only that, but my grandma’s old lady friend called me out for gaining a bunch of weight.

Really struggling today as I will be working all day tomorrow and can’t make it to the gym until Monday.


Welcome to rest of your life. :slight_smile:

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