Heavyweights: Thicc Boys of the Refuge Unite!

It really just made my morning to log in and see 50 new posts in here and action in the WhatsApp.
@brutalbaum I can’t even imagine having to go through that. My deepest condolences. Please find literal refuge here and let us know what is going on with the weight battle. It really does help immensely to know you can have a group of people just to bitch and complain to if nothing else. And also get those attaboys and pick me ups when you need it.

Welcome to everyone else checking in for the first time and it is great to hear from some old and new voices.
I am stuck in a rut this month. I have been staring my 30 pound goal in the face for weeks now. I was at 29 one morning and have progressively hovered from 29-26 pounds down ever since. It’s like the scale knows what I want to see and just wants to fuck with my brain. I really wanted to hit 30 pounds by my 35th birthday next Friday and I may still do it. And I am letting the damn scale dictate my mood way too much lately, need to throw that fucker in the closet for a few weeks. Sticking to the eating only from noon to 6-7ish, mainly no stupid night eating is key for me. Need to do better in the gym, have only been doing 2-3 days a week instead of 4-5.


Breakfast of champions

Yeah, I think @tbova is going to have a nice New Year’s. Good for him.

Like everything else, I procrastinated and didn’t get serious until mid-Oct. Beers and wings after golf are my kryptonite it seems.

Currently doing a 60 day challenge at my gym to stay ahead of the holiday pounds.

I’ll keep going through Scotland though. The goals may shift but the goals are good.


My tale of the tape (apologies for dropping in here at random, but thought typing this out would be helpful). 6’4", a tick under 290 and work on a golf course (but will be getting seasonally laid off any day now until Spring).

My goals: I turn 30 in 6 months. I want to be down 30 by then (at least, or close. I’m not sure what a healthy loss rate is tbh). Once we’re laid off, one goal I’m putting into motion (and carrying on through Lent, baby) is eliminating eating from anywhere with a drive thru, even if we were to walk in. I’m hoping this is helpful, because my eating habits are booty. The exercise portion I believe is realistic and manageable. Hope to come back next season feeling much better, because we have two huge events and I’m tired of feeling like a slouch. Here’s to a productive winter!

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@BigJones @brutalbaum

If I can make one recommendation it’s running. When I started about 2 yrs ago now the one thing I didn’t want to do was change my diet. As @anon26814599 has said, food makes me happy and i didn’t want to give that up. With “endurance” sports carbs and fat are not the worst things in the world but you have to grind hard if you’re going to keep eating whatever you want. If you can trick your mind into thinking it’s enjoyable it’s will work wonders. Another thing I did was not really worry about the number. When us big boys get the motor running it’s going to build muscle which (I felt at least) counter balances the fat loss. The way your clothes fit will tell you everything.

Y’all got this fellas, if there is anything I can do to help anyone just let me know.

Also you can find me in the Nike run club app Jonathan Ibbotson

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this is has already start to get me motivated. And for that I am thankful. Any suggestion on getting started with running again. I know that is what I need to do. And does anyone use a foam roller?

Start small. I started at a mile a day and slowly worked up. Go to a run shop and get fitted for proper kicks. They will help a ton in avoiding injuries.

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I wish I could link my earlier post, but I would identify myself as someone who uses food as a crutch for dealing with some really tough things. I am so sorry to hear about your loss & hope this thread & the refuge in general can help.

One thing I would suggest giving a try is intermittent fasting. I essentially adopted the 16:8 method - which means I try to eat from 12pm to 8pm only in a day which limits myself to two meals. It helps keep me in check.

Also, cannot suggest enough tracking the food you eat with an app (LoseIt is fantastic). You get really surprised how many calories add up even if you think you are eating healthy. Weighing, measuring, and tracking my food has been a huge help in me losing weight (now down 40 pounds from December 2018).


My biggest suggestion for running is to start slow & build up from there. I couldn’t run more than 3-4 miles at the end of last year & now casually am doing 8-10 mile runs once a week with others sprinkled in. I do have a running background, but this has been the only fitness related thing for me during my weight loss journey & I have fallen back in love with the grind.

Also, an avid foam roller user after every run.

Not a runner anymore because of back problems but I use a foam roller almost every day in some way shape or form. Keeps my hamstrings and glutes loose which helps my back stay in check.
@aannddyy00 is the opposite of a heavyweight but also a firm believer in the foam roller.


Get after the piriformis boys

lax ball 4 lyfe

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any supplements? that have worked for anyone?

I would assume a hefty dose of Vitamin T would go a long way for some guys but that probably belongs with some weightlifters over in WORKOUTS

Don’t need that kinda stuff. I am old man strong and that is all I need for strength.

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Totally tongue in cheek.
I am not a supplement guy. Multivitamin and whey protein. But that thread does probably have some info on actual supplements.

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Rolling on a lacrosse ball is borderline erotic

you played lax?

what is this lax you speak of

It’s like field hockey but for guys

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