A thread for the Texas folks

Yeah my experiences with the folks at Pine Dunes haven’t been great. Woodforest is a really fun track, I just haven’t played it in quite a few years, but when I did the greens were crazy fast.

We could also try and make it an annual event moving around the state, but I don’t want to put the cart before the horse.

Yeah, I think we have a lot of momentum right now that we should tap into, and @bored_6m consider appointing local area captains to help you out here so you’re not doing everything. We finally seem to have a good number of people in each of the major cities now, and a lot of us now know each other.

Setting aside another huge event, we should also focus on trying to organize smaller local meetups with small blocks of tee times to draw some more folks in who didn’t go to SA.

That said, it’s been way too long since I’ve been to Pine Dunes.


Neat directory would be handy now so we could get a feel for where folks are.

Open the google doc and scroll down to the Texas section - it shows where people are but seems to be missing a lot of the folks that were in SA. If you haven’t put yourself on there already, do so.

EDIT: paging @the_korn_ferry @chaptits @jbpayne32 @rmaas91 @Cmusil @KBandujo @cgroom @ajsHTX @jsteve15 y’all add your handles on here and where you live.

I’m sure I’m forgetting a bunch of folks.


Absolutely in on more Texas Refuge events.

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I’m way in on this and was thinking the same thing when I saw the post. Not sure if we could get enough people but could do all the big metroplexes vs one another. (Houston vs DFW vs SA vs Austin). Not to get too excited but thought of doing a stop at each city and spread the four stops out and make it a year long contest.


4 cities. 4 majors. Coincidence?


North Texas section vs South Texas section would be pretty good. I think we have a pretty big DFW contingent. I think Salado is the break for the two.


Yeah the major metroplexes may be lopsided but north vs south could work.

An event alternating between the north and south regions would be awesome, especially if you could get two events a year. Might have to work on the break line for the regions though, because it looks like most people would be in the south based on their locations in the google sheet.

The RACDG roll call is mostly DFW & Austin it appears, but based on the Alamo Duel we have a bunch more DFW folks than on the RACDG.

I don’t want to get roasted here but is there criteria for the RACDG? Apologies if this has been answered.

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As simple as putting your info on the spreadsheet.

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Man, what a time to be alive.

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I like where this is going. Added my name to the spreadsheet.


Looks like our afternoon membership drive was more productive than Metacomet’s entire 2018-2019 cycle, lots of new names on the sheet. No free tote bag or smug sense of self-satisfaction is included with this, however.


Gotta finish our match somewhere. Where better than a north v south ryder cup.

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Let’s get a poll going to see if the north/south split works. If you’re interested at all in some type of Ryder Cup outing vote based on where you live.

  • North of Salado
  • South of Salado

0 voters

I had a big golf trip with about 16 guys play pine dunes one year in August. I called and got a better rate and when we showed up the guy in the pro shop refused to honor it even though we had an email proving it. Finally he called the manager and got it sorted out. The only good thing about pine dunes is the course. It’s in the middle of nowhere, the grill kinda suck and the staff arent that great.


We could always just say fuck it and meet at the end of the earth out at Lajitas. (Kind of joking, kind of)