Virginia ExStrantzAganza - RACDG DMV event

How does one join the RACDG DMV?

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Cheers, thanks friend.

@mintbucket all you have to do is sign up on the roll call sheet. Link is below, glad to have you join!

Signed on the roll call, hopefully I did it correctly. I just moved from Manassas, VA back to my hometown of Leonardtown, MD if anyone ever wants to get a game going. Hope COVID allows this event to happen!

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I know some of the chapters have a group chat thing on WhatsApp. Does the DMV chapter have one?

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Just signed up as well on the roll call. Live near Farmville, VA so not too far from Richmond/Lynchburg/C-ville area. If anyone is ever interested in a game or needs a fourth just let me know. Hoping the ExStrantzAganza happens this fall as well as it sounds like a great meet-up. Happy to be onboard!

we donā€™t have a WhatsApp chat currently. When we first started, the general consensus of the (much smaller) group was that the Refuge was the best way to communicate. Now that we have grown in size, we canā€™t send a Refuge DM to all the members of the Chapter due to limits on # of recipients. This is a good time to revisit our initial decision. I have seen first hand how popular/useful these chats have been with other Chapters, and if there is sufficient interest, I would like to start one for the DMV chapter.


Pencil me in as an interested party

I have a kid due 10/23 but if we do something this fall and I can swing it, this looks greet yeah

Had three separate golf trips canceled this summer, so I am very much excited for the ExStrantzAganza. All hail @JMAGS for keeping us up-to-date in here.

I had mine go down as well, but I have a stranz weekend down in NC planned end of aug as a consolation prize now.

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Thanks for the link. There seems to be two chapters, US DMV States and DC, Maryland, and Virginias. Should those two be merged or is one more active than the other?

they are the same. There were some file issues a while back, and the ā€œDC, Maryland and Virginiasā€ was the sub title to DMV Chapter. I think when someone attempted to fix the file they sorted it incorrectly.

Down here 3 hours south of the DMV, we think of the DMV as the place to waste an hour for a 5 min job.

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Iā€™m about 90 minutes from DC on a normal/good day. One morning traffic was so bad that I was so late to a meeting I literally just turned around and went home. 5 hours in the car for a Starbucksā€¦


That is all too familiar man. I cover all of VA and DC here at work too and while I havenā€™t been on the road in a long time, the amount of time Iā€™ve wasted on the beltway makes me cry.

I would sympathize with the traffic concerns, but as a ā€œcity dwellerā€ I donā€™t even own a car. That being said, the DMV Chapter is inclusive of all the surrounding states, even the areas that may be separated by traffic nightmares!

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I get it 100% man. I went Chicago to Roanoke about 8 years ago. I really enjoy DC proper, its fairfaxes and prince georges of the world I really hope to avoid.

Now, traffic and stuff asideā€¦

My 175K home in Roanoke is likely to be 750k up that way.

There is a lot of backward stuff here but its still incredibly cheap. $51/month is my golf membership lol.

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DC and the surrounding areas are fine if you go at the right times. Typically I time my trips so I never have to worry about traffic. But if you have to make a trip during rush hour, good luckā€¦ And like @country35 said, I can have much more house for way less money. And honestly, if you live in the outskirts of DC, youā€™re probably driving an hour to get anywhere anyway. So my extra 30 minutes is worth it.