Tiki at the Kiki (OATW Roost) 6/4

Alright just signed up for this. Can’t wait.

FYI I’m a member at Kirtland CC right around the corner (4 miles or so). If we want to get truly crazy, I could probably have them set up a luau outdoors at the club for us for after the Manakiki round. Tiki torches, island drinks, etc. We could tie one on playing barefoot on our four hole short course/set up a putting course on the practice green (I’ve seen it done for other events), etc. That would tack on a bit more cost, though, obviously.

And also we can of course tack on golf at Kirtland at some point that weekend, as well. Friday afternoon is probably likeliest availability for me. I’m happy to host anyone interested (up to 11 guests, I believe). Also, obviously, would add more cost, too.

Let me know if there’s any interest in either of those things.

Cheers all! Looking forward to the summer.