The Supper Club - NLU Wisconsin Roost - 2025 Event Schedule is LIVE Post 345

We haven’t exactly been hiding, but it’s my great pleasure to formally cut the ribbon and open the door to the Wisconsin roost, aptly named The Supper Club (@SupperClub).

Obviously we start at the bar -


For reasons I only partially understand I’ll be your roost captain for the time being. I am born and raised in Wisconsin with a brief college sabbatical down south. I love Wisconsin. I love the golf our State has to offer. And I think a Wisconsin roost is long overdo. I just couldn’t sit idly and watch our surrounding states soak up all the roost glory. I’m in the north shore of Milwaukee and spend most of my golfing life at Brown Deer.

Next comes the relish cart -

We’ve been in a soft opening phase since early this summer and have a relatively active Discord already. If Discord isn’t your thing (it wasn’t mine when we started, but trust me, it’s fiiiiiiiiine), I’ll try to keep everyone in the loop here and in the Roll Call - Wisconsin thread. But the Discord is the place to be if you want to see things unfold live, bullshit about whatever, see everyone’s pets, listen to me overshare about whatever weird shit my extended family is doing, we’ve got it all.

The Main Event - Event Schedule

We have a robust event schedule already planned for 2024. If you need something to get you through the winter, here it is:

April 20 - The 4th Burban - Up In Smoke - Spring Valley, brought to you by our guy @PTM
Refuge Post - Sign Up Sheet

May 26 - No Reservations Taken at Erin Hills

June 15 - Wisconsin Roost Major (we’re working on the name) - Washington County Golf Course. The top 4 at this event will qualify as the regional squad for the regional. Format also TBD, but I do know it will be a net event (deal with it). Some might be asking, is qualifying all 4 at one event, in one 18 hole round, on 1 day a good idea? I have the same questions and we’re going to find out together! Once we get the ball rolling here, the idea is to expand regional team qualification…somehow. I only ask that those trying to qualify for the regional sign up first. If that’s not you, throw your name on the waitlist and I’ll work to expand the field.
Sign Up Sheet

July 13-14 - The Midwest Ope-In - Great Lakes Regional Edition at Lawsonia Links. The qualifying team of 4 from the Washington County major will represent TSC against Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana. The refuge thread explains it all and is the nicest high crime neighborhood on the refuge. The event is awesome and exists outside of the regional, so if you’re interested get on the waitlist.
Refuge Thread - Sign Up Sheet

August - Madison event TBD.

October - The Old Fashioned - last yeat we had an awesome event to end the year up at Kohler and we will have something again this year. Details are currently getting worked out.

While this is the official schedule I can’t recommend #gettinginvolved in the discord enough. A lot of ‘I have a spot in my foursome this weekend if anyone can join’ going on. We also have a drop in sim league going on right now so we all don’t lose our minds this winter. I suspect a bigger sim meet up will happen later this winter.

Desert - MERCH


I’m still speechless these exist (HUGE s/o @RLSIII)

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We’re going to start running merch this winter and I wanted to get some feedback to see what road to go down, please respond to this merch survey at your convenience or run the risk of leaving this to my own devices and expect a lot of navy and gray…

I’m honored to sherpa us through this experience and I can’t wait to tee it up with as many of you as possible.



Table for four, how long do ya think?


Talk to Patty, she has the list.

I don’t know, she’s around the bar somewhere.



I’ll take my Old Fashioned sweet.


Drinks can be a little strong, but we’ll be okay.


We also bring the supper club atmosphere to the course…

Caddyshack GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


Make mine a double…it’s been a week!


cheers to ya’ll

Well deserved and I’m happy for you!



Friend of the program


is that a sobriety chip?

Event Details for No Reservations Taken @ Erin Hills can be found here

I look forward to being part of this great group of guis and making a name for ourselves! As always, I look forward to meeting and playing with as many of you as possible


Oh hi, friends


We might have also done some guerilla marketing last summer.


Can vouch for we haven’t been hiding. Shout out everyone again who attended the Irish Coffee edition of the Old Fashioned last year. Looking forward to running this back again this year.


Still mad at myself for not just sticking around for the pictures. Really hoping to get back out there with you guys again this fall.


I’m not mad, just disappointed.


If it makes it any easier, I’m very happy.


When you see the featured photo is Mars



“Almost Wisconsin” gui here…

Not sure if we’re planning on adding other events - but the Laundry Chute at Eagle Springs is a free-agent :eyes: