In my experience, it does though. But whatever, you don’t have to think it’s a good idea.
These guis probably have jobs and lives that are easier if they have less to explain about themselves.
I could give a fuck what my family thinks I say. I care about my employer knowing I tend to dick around during work hours.
It’s truly incredible that in this day and age, with everything we know about the Internet, data collection and everything inbetween, that we still have people saying “Hey guis, my genius idea is just force everyone to use their real names online.” So very, very cool.
if you have an idea on how to fix the problem, let’s hear it. otherwise go be an eloquent troll somewhere else.
Like most people who take it upon themselves to police the speech of others, your error is assuming that there was a “problem” you needed to fix in the first place.
I take this to mean you believe Pro Traj should just accept the risk and keep the board as-is?
Is that the decision you’d make if it were your business?
you think that if somebody wants your data that whether or not you put your real name in some silly forum makes any difference?
my real name is in my profile, but is not my handle. I just googled myself, no results for the refuge.
your employer does not monitor your internet usage during work hours by conducting searches.
I think it’s pretty clear that the owners of the site have decided there IS a problem. The requirement of membership is not stopping anybody from saying anything, nor would putting your name by your comments.
It’s a message board. So yes, I would “accept the risk.”
Edit: Don’t be a chickenshit.
I’m a chicken shit? Or NLU is? Or the anonymous burners? Or are we all? I’m lost now.
Rich. Very rich.
I’ll tell you what’s ironic, having a career built around a song called Ironic which lists a bunch of dumb shit that mostly isn’t ironic.
This is “You Oughta Know” erasure.
Um no. You might have missed the part where some asshole called a Refugee’s home club and said he was intentionally spreading COVID. Less anonymity isn’t solving that.
Assholes are gonna asshole.
Not sure you can solve that at all.
And that’s just one example of something like that happening. This board is unique and adding real names isn’t going to solve the problem the guys are having.
just because people commit crimes doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have laws.
the individual who would contact somebody’s home club like that isn’t somebody we want around here. hopefully the paywall will naturally filter out 90% of an already rare occurrence. that individual also didn’t pick their target at random. I don’t have the history on it, but there almost certainly was some contentious and escalating discussion that predicated the harassment.
I also don’t think the preceding argument, that led to the harassment, would be nearly as likely to take place if people had additional accountability. As has been said a million times on a million forums, “people don’t act like that in real life if you actually have a beer or play golf with them.”
Why not? Why are people so different in real life compared to “online?”
Because they’re no longer anonymous in real life. There are consequences. I think that if the veil of anonymity is lifted we avoid 99% of the toxic discourse that leads someone to that end. There are of course examples out there of people that are just as big of chode sniffers in real life, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do what we can to minimize it.
You don’t have to agree, that’s just what I’ve determined is the best mitigation after 20+ years of being around these types of platforms.
Also, on the specific issue at hand. If somebody has the details of the harassment that’s happened within the last 30 days, let me know. I can perhaps help with getting it to stop. I used to be part of the telecom traceback group that finds the origins of social security scams and the like, had access to the metadata for entire wireless networks, and still have connections in that space.
yoU yoU yoU – need to apologize for putting that song in my head.
Plenty of assholes on Facebook.