The Grudge Match: A Thread That Needs to be Deleted So Future Generations Will Not Know Our Shame

Massive booth right beside the new event center. (currently the Angry Birds exhibit)
Right across from The Hangar.

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Bought several! Dangit, I meant to take a photo and completely forgot. Judging by the amount in the dumpster out back, your cat will be eating just fine.


Wow I must have walked right passed it.

Shame they get thrown away when there’s recycling bins all over the place but some people just don’t care about sustaining the planet.

Thanks for making sure my cat still has a roof over her head!

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Yeah, we came in the North Entrance and its basically right there.

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I probably walked right passed it when I was trying to figure out what the hell the new building with Angry Birds was all about.

My parents bought a bunch of recycled material patio furniture last year, I wonder if they got it from your booth.

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do you sell the cups or the labels?

i worked for a MFG who made a lot of cups for stuff like this

The cups. I work for Whirley…huge company that happens to be in my small hometown.

Fairs are one of our smallest industries but we have a few huge fairs like MN and WI state fairs.

awesome, i know about whirley.

i worked for technimark a couple years back and i helped out on the cups account briefly if the account rep was out…we did cups for Hallmark and a bunch of sporting events, etc

pretty sure we had some kind of relationship with whirley

Oh yeah I know Technimark well!

Anytime our products are too high priced the we will offer Technimark or WNA to at least try and get the business. Since our cups aren’t really “thin wall” we’re never the cheapest but at least try to offer a low cost solution if needed. Small world

it really is…joe mcmasters is the cup guy at technimark…hes really awesome, i didnt do much with cups when i was there, but helped him here and there

hes been doing cups for YEARS

The cup industry is purely about relationships, when guys like that have been around for 30 to 40 years in such a tight knit community you’re never going to take much business away.

Never knew they did anything besides cups.

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oh man, cups is a super small % of their business…they only have 1 person there working on cups

they do injection molding and the vast majority of their business is consumer brands that you see every day at walmart, etc

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Ya know, this is actually a pretty good way to spell this. I knew exactly what you meant as soon as you wrote it. (Is this an Onomatopoeia? Never get the meaning right)



The day of reckoning is upon us. Pray for all of our souls in this hour of truth.

I will assure the muskets used by all men have conforming grooves.

I seek hydration and the drug the westerners call caffeine.

Yours, Lazstradamus


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Are any strokes being given or straight up?
