Fuck yes!
Fuck no!
Fuck yes!
Fuck no!
Ope sorry for posting multiple posts in a row. Last post for now.
What an incredible weekend. Two years in row. Thank you @midwestgolfbum and everyone else who makes this tournament run. Thank you to everyone I met for the first time this year and those that got to see again. I truly batted 1.000 on interaction with folks this weekend. This community is remarkable. I have too many people to tag that made this weekend special but I’ll shout my Blue Marigold VRBO hitters @OffTheDole @Worst12onEarth and @ReallyFatPat. Special s/o to Pat for driving me all over the state of Wisconsin in our sexy electric blue Jeep this weekend. Hottest car on the block.
The Ope is the absolute best. You all are the absolute best. July 11, 2025 cannot get here soon enough. I am sad to know that I won’t realistically see most of you for another 360ish days. I’m not joking when I say that event has me considering if I’m living in the wrong place (no offense to my Dry Heat crew). As I lie in bed at 12:34 am on Monday all I can think is…
@chefcycle set the tone early. Once the group in front of us ended on 9 we really picked up the pace on 12. 3 hrs 50 min.
I find there’s always a few handles I don’t get a chance to meet ( including you!) every time I go. It’s an excuse to go to the next one. Too many new IRL intros to tag!
Standing in Lisbon airport, a little confused, very very very tired, and sad that my wife made me shave my Opestache. I miss you all.
Last year’s Ope was the end of a really bad year. This year was something of a milestone to reflect and realize you can get through some tough shit with the help of your Internet golf friends, a new driver shaft and a few setup changes.
It’s rare for things to live up to the hype, but the Ope delivers. Standing on the back of 18 at the Links with an ice col beer is a magical place to be.
Shoutout to all the stellar foursomes I got to play in. My perma-match play opponent @BigBird who gives me too many pops, a first full round with the Grand Poobah himself @midwestgolfbum at Mammoth, a perfect vibe Saturday morning with @kcurry11, @tigergolftraveler and @BuffaLouies, and a pairing years in the making with @chefcycle to kick it all off. Was fortunate to again be paired up with my OG Refuge event cartner @lazyjk. Will never tire of watching those smooth persimmon ball flights.
And of course to all my 2CGC hitters:
I liked half of you more than twice as much as I thought, and met less than half of you than what I would’ve preferred.
Thanks for introducing us to the Ope and what this whole thing is about
As I told @FamousFoot, I was 1/2 inch away from a break and run on a shit table with no room on 2 corners. Glad the room enjoyed the show.
No slow play?
No barstool bro downs?
No septic spectacles?
Just hot weather and good times?
Has The Ope peaked?
No chance, the peak will be when we somehow rent the place out for 2 days and put in the “@Kerry Hole 10 Challenge” as a 4th or 5th round.
Second City plays it’s major at Mount Prospect CC. Shit table and no room in the corners is where I thrive.
And no nuns showed up to save our souls. Kinda concerning?
We did have this group of absolute meat sticks. Despite being over 10 minutes late for their tee time on Woodlands, they decided to completely muck up the shack on Links while we tried to make the turn.
@freesypop staring through their souls.
They were at the airport, so they knew we were fine and were off to save others.
Barstool finds a way.
I’m unfamiliar with this LIV team.
This deserves a reply.
Two replies even.
I asked them if their wives bought those shirts for them, like those TikTok gags. “No, these are our uniforms.”
Jorts and a mustache is kinda the uniform of the ope