Huge success, we met!
Was he selling MacBook Pro’s at a steeper discount?
A sleeve of Lawsonia logo’s Pro V’s, a Moon Man and a MacBook for $15
you had to be here
You can return the favor for the Olympic Prolific.
Extremely disappointed I had to drop out.
Well… you can be the person everybody knows because of “what you do online” too
1: Win lottery
2: Play all Refuge events across the country
3: ???
4: Profit
My favorite moment is @bignanski and I are the last group through the turn hut yesterday. We had a delightful chat with Nancy the retired nurse working it and she goes “ohhhhhhh so you guys are the last of the internet fraternity that’s been here all weekend.”
Was in Wisconsin for 5 days and never got a brat.
Either halfway house was closed or didn’t have any.
Tough scene.
Not sure why they don’t just enlist another 11 year old to man the halfway houses like they do the cart staff.
It was entertaining AF watching a 14 year old boss around an 11 year old on the cart staff.
To be fair, that 14 year old has been there for like 4 or 5 years now, so has earned that manager title.
Has management potential written all over him.
This whole weekend ruled. I’m gonna type up full thoughts when I’m home tomorrow. But long story short: @midwestgolfbum this has been such a pleasure the last 2 years and I wish I could have gotten a chance to shake your hand and give you a big hug this weekend. Every single person was an absolute pleasure to be around. 2 broken bikes, a broken cart, and an empty turn stand can never put a damper on this group
A reminder, next year please remember to leave out brats and beer the night before the Ope begins so the OpeSquatch doesn’t try and sabotage our weekend
The Sunday scaries are really setting in and even though I came into this weekend playing some of my worst golf, I had an absolute blast swinging a club well over 400 times. Thanks to everyone involved in planning, my roommates, playing partners and to all of you for everything you do online.
Now I gotta go deal with a tornado warning.
God, no wonder I feel like this
I imagine my playing partners thought, ‘I’ve never seen anyone have that much fun while playing that badly’.