Steeplechase III at Jeffersonville GC (Norristown, PA) - July 15th, 2023

Got some unreasonable bids out there for some Nike VR forged blades. Hoping this gui takes my scratch. I know my guy @Tibbs will enjoy seeing the swoosh out there

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Blades or no blades this old dog will have its philly bone.



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OOOO Boy, we are getting close.


Everyone, weā€™re at that point, itā€™s time to start confirming entries and get this field locked up. Thank you all for your patience up to this point.

I was trying to close things down on a t-shirt design but just couldnā€™t come through. I will eventually, just not right now. Didnā€™t want to put anything out for you guys that I wasnā€™t in love with. In place of that, weā€™re going to opt for those funds to go straight to a net + gross skins game for all participants.

With that said, your $175 entry gets you the following:

  • 18 holes of golf at Jeffersonville GC
  • $12 Food & Beverage Voucher for the Paddock
  • Tee Gifts from @flanwilder and NLU
  • Closest to the Pin contests sponsored by Precision Pro
  • Entry into Net + Gross Skins games ($10 entry for each)
  • 3 hour post-round rental at Skramble House
  • Donation to Philabundance
  • Trophy Plaques for all 4 Roost Regional Qualifiers and NIT Qualifier

As mentioned before, Skramble House really is a golferā€™s playground so thatā€™ll be where we hang post-round, order a bunch of food, enjoy some free beer sponsored by New Belgium Brewing and break down the results and award the various prizes for the event.

So, what do you need to do from here?

  • Lock in your spot by sending along your entry fee to @Mike-Revak on Venmo (last four of phone number are 4043).
  • Tell your friends about the event. We still have 8 spots available and it would be awesome to get this event filled!
  • We will be doing raffles again this year, so if you have anything that you would like to donate up, please post in here or shoot me a DM!

To get the ball rolling, I have a custom Electric Phactory Yeti that will be up for grabs in the raffle. Letā€™s see what else we can get!

Thank you all so incredibly much! Canā€™t wait for another great event!


Paid! Looking forward to getting out there. If anyone wants to get a practice round in between now and then I might be interesting in that.


Also, how could I forget the sold-out, limited edition prizes for the three Flight Winners?


Ah f now Iā€™m nervous. I really want that hat.


Iā€™m going to double check my quantities when I get home from work today, but I should have a Jeffy hat/t-shirt/ballmarker available in the raffle as well.

Alsoā€¦ please remember to submit your entry fee when able to do so. Only 7 out of 51 have checked that box so far.

numbers rookie wolf of wallstreet GIF


Paid and ready to chase some dreams out in Jeffersonville


My guess is that @Samton128 is a lock for one of them :rofl:


Heā€™ll be losing it at the after party.


ā€¦Just another reason to get excited for the Steeplechase!

Weā€™re doing well, with 28/45 entries currently paid in full, but we need to confirm our remainder ASAP.

Additionally, Skramble House is booked and paid for, New Belgium has been procured and the leaderboards and flights are being built (boring update, but important nonetheless)!

Please reach out to me directly if you have any questions whatsoever! Thanks guys!


Almost time to start naming names Cap



Like my odds better out of 28 than 45ā€¦ just sayingā€¦


Which Skramble House? Horsham or KOP

Weā€™ll be at the KOP location, itā€™s only a five minute drive from Jeffersonvilleā€¦ super convenient!

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What are the chances of access to the showers at Skramble House? Looks like itā€™s going to be a two shirt kind of round Saturday.