Roll Call: WA (PNW Crew) - 2024 RTGS Sign-Ups in Post 2715

I’ve done it twice now (2020 and 2017 I think) and have enjoyed it a lot. If you can play all the rounds or at least most of them, nets out to really good value as well. It used to be better than it is now because they took Suncadia off, but I plan to get it again! Here is the link for the courses:

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It’s not like y’all know a “golf pass” there or anything :joy:


If anyone does buy the pass and needs to “find a game” at port ludlow, let me know! That’s my new home course going forward.

Awesome, just pulled the trigger!

@richardlhawkes I might take you up on the offer! I have a feeling I’ll be going solo to the courses out on the peninsula.

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Yeah I haven’t made the dive but we’ve talked about it quite a bit. Think I’m going with a couple punch cards next year and stick with that.

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The winter Oki cards are worth it if you get out enough during the off months. Hawks prairie nets out as a good value.

Sweet! I’m in the port townsend area so Whitehorse, Cedars, and Sunland aren’t far from me either.

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Oh that’s not a bad idea either. Which courses have good ones?

The hottest I found is Gold Mountain! Was uninspired by Chambers, despite hoping for better. Interested if anyone else has any other tips.


You’re over on my side permanently now? Shit, I’m 20 minutes from Gold Mountain. Let’s go!

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To all of you brave enough to venture to the Eastside. Wine Valley starts their Winter Series this Sunday.

Yes, let’s do it. Need to get some reps in over there ahead of The Olympic Prolific next may.

Only a four hour drive :thinking:

If you go to one of my favorite courses, which I’ve been trying to have y’all go to all year, without me, I’m taking it the most personal way possible :joy:

@Mattyeds @rabsie Get ready to pack your gear for a roundtrip soon.

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After all the hype you’ve been dishing out, it would just be Grape Juice Valley without ya.


Only thing you need to check is Snoquolomie Pass. You seen clear conditions? start the car.

Is this the most clever way ever to say I’m a whiner? :thinking:

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Anyone who says so is just sour grapes.


I was going to try to get out this Thursday or Friday… depending on how heavy the rain is. Looks lighter those days.