Hello folks, not a frequent user of the Refuge here, but a huge fan of NLU and the community nonetheless. I’ll be down in SoCal (San Bernardino County) in about 2 weeks and wanted to put it out there if any fellow golf sickos wanted to meet up and play a match or something of the like. Not sure if creating a topic is how you’re supposed to do this, but please forgive me as I get acclimated to the Refuge. I’m 17, play off a 1, and am a mega nerd about the game. Would love to connect with others and #getinvolved.
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Hey there! This might be a good place to put it out there that you’re looking for a game in So Cal.
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A post was merged into an existing topic: Roll Call: L.A. County (Rustic Canyon and the Coachella Valley are not in L.A. County)