Roll Call: Omaha/Lincoln

I believe in the past it has just been items inside the pro shop. I’ve never seen anything in the online shop other than their gift cards. Hoping they throw something up there this year. I can’t imagine they change anything on the membership front since it’s already pretty dang affordable.

Does anyone want to play Woodland Hills tomorrow? We have the 10:32 and 10:40 and need one more. I think @chipcaffey said he’s buying the first round

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I have TEN pairs of quality, lightly used golf shorts (Dunning, Nike, and adidas) size 32. I wanted to donate them where they might be put to good use. Any suggestions?

First Tee Omaha?

That’s what I thought at first. But it appears all their donations are handled through 2nd Swing:

With the 2nd Swing Club Donation Program you can put any of your old equipment to great use and make a huge impact. The value of your used clubs and equipment is sent to us as a cash donation.

Maybe I’ll reach out directly to see if they can be put to use locally, instead of shipped to a reseller, valued (surely for pennies), and then doled out. I just figured a local kid would appreciate/use them more than like a $15 donation from 2nd Swing to First Tee Omaha.

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Is (B)aannddyy00 a size 32? Maybe he could use some generosity this holiday season.


Monday Q Info has facilitated donations to HS programs. You might see if he knows any programs in need. You could try local programs too. I have a friend that is a coach in town that may know where to send them.


Shoutout to Milt’s, home of the 300 sign, one of the very few driving range’s in town where you can hit off the grass year round. It’s too long/thick/weedy in the summer but it’s perfect for October through April when it’s nice enough to open.


My reaction when I checked the forecast for next week…

And my reaction when I realized I have training Monday through Thursday…


60 and sunny tomorrow afternoon, anyone want to peg it? Probably going to walk 9 at Indian Creek but could be persuaded elsewhere.

You got a time in mind?

2:30ish, but I need to call IC early tomorrow for availability. @shonseymp and @TDougg are in so far.


I’m game.

Let me know if we can have 5.

I’ll caddy for Mike if not

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IC tee sheet is packed :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Any other ideas?

Tibruon told me on Sunday they were booked for today by Friday the 5th. I’d imagine most places are full. I’ve had luck with Willow not being super busy. Riverside has something at 12:18.[0]=1&playersRange[1]=2&playersRange[2]=3&playersRange[3]=4&playersRange[4]=5&playersRange[5]=6&price=&rate=&time=&isPrepaidOnly=false

That’s wild! I didn’t expect that much demand this late in the season. I have literally never had a problem jumping on Indian Creek until I called this morning.

I just called the City; they have NOTHING available for 4, just a few random twosomes available.

I can call out to stone creek if you want? Nothing special but its golf.

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Stone Creek is full too… I’m calling around right now
Edit @TDougg @QMany I think we’re boned
Johnny Goodman went to voicemail lol, but Miracle Hills, Stone Creek, Tara Hills, Eagle Hills, Dodge Riverside, and Benson were all full. Unless we wanna join somewhere quick it isn’t looking good