Cross posting the Trinity Forest event here in case any Okies are interested
If we can get 10 people, cost is $145. Who wants one? If we can get north of 15, they get even cheaper.
That’s a rock hard yes from me
Have 2 spots at Lafortune tomorrow at 110p. Weather looks delightful.
Not initiated into the “Supercell” yet, but if I get the nod would be on board for one of these beauties!
Andy waiting on the Supercell overlords to open the gates…
83 covers my birth year and probably my average round these days.
Shorts, if it’s a casual round with the boys 5” for a little air conditioning but still a little mystery. If it’s a money game, 14” Cargo shorts, White belt, and FJ Classics.
This guy FUQS
Can confirm that in my mind I do indeed “FUQ”, but there are a few guys on here who would vehemently deny that claim, and would probably say the opposite.
I mean, he has twins so it’s happened at least once.
Can confirm that Mr. @SkratchDaddy83 is a true gentleman that I have known for many years now
Modern science can do some amazing things. That notwithstanding, welcome to the 'Cell @SkratchDaddy83 Look forward to trading 83s and twin dad stories with you.
Uhmmm can you all tell me it’s going to be okay? Twin boys are due in December.
Remember that scene from Old School? Do you want me to tell you the truth or do you want me to tell you it’s going to be okay??
@PushCartGodfather did we ever get those beanies with Dusty on them? This weekends gathering looks chilly….
with any luck the winds will be back out of the south Sunday. But, still looking at upper 40s / low 50s.
S’ly winds 15mph, occasional gusts to 20mph.
I think it will be a comfy day in pants and a hoodie.