The 'Nader '24 sign up is live. I will have a much more formal invitation/info packet out later this month. Some details still needing worked out but here’s the tentative schedule:
Friday, June 21, 2024
Players arrive to Afton, OK
optional Par 3 round begins @ 4:30p
Drinks/Dinner to follow–location TBD
Saturday, June 22, 2024
6:45a-7:00a: Players arrive to clubhouse; receive tee gift
7:00a-7:45a: Range/Warm-up; Complimentary breakfast served
7:30a: 1st round tee times begin
10:45a-12:00: Lunch buffet/grab and go is served
12:50p: 2nd round tee times begin
6p: Play concludes; reception for winners announcement begins
9p: dice game begins at @ABR’s 'bnb
Looks like lots of lodging for airbnb’s currently available for that weekend for good prices so I’ll likely be jumping on one of those within the next 30 days.
On the google doc sheet, I broke the payment down into a “deposit” schedule to make the financial burden a little easier. You can sign up right now without a deposit but it won’t be locked in until the venmo hits. You can pay for it all at once as well if you’d prefer. Deposit refunds will be at the discretion of the Shangri La event staff so assume once you send money you’re fully committed because I can’t guarantee you’ll get it back and there will be no refunds after 6/1/24.
@TheSupercell Holla with Q’s and let all of your friends know. I’m going to let other roosts know that our sign up is active in the next week or so.