Roll Call: Ohio (OATW adjacent) and localized ice cream debates (Part 1)

Sisters in town from Hawaii and she crushed it around valley of the eagles. I hit some great iron shots but she showed me up all day


October 11 and 12

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I won the Springfield foursome, my most sincere apologies.

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Happy to run it up to what it got to


Thank you!!! We will get the info on how to redeem out to you this week.

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How many times would you have to play to validate this then?

Edit: Nevermind its stll $25 cart fee to play every time. You’re only saving a max of $14 a round from what I can tell, since you can’t play peak times anyway. So you’d have to play 15 times to validate it. That’s a lot of times for not being able to play weekend mornings, when 90% of my golf is played.

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I did it a couple years back and I think my math was at least 10 times. For my money, it was not worth it even though I did play enough and had some friends that did it too. The parameters around it just sucked.

I’ll play, if there is still a spot.

Yupp. Still 2 spots left now.

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Agreed, the math isn’t that great, but I’m not sure what a normal round is out there. I don’t play much weekend mornings, as I play most of my golf afternoon on weekdays.

I won’t be doing it, but I thought it was worth sharing.

If you live out there (I don’t, one of my main holdbacks), and enjoy the afternoon rounds, its a great deal. 15 rounds over 2 years isn’t hard.

I just realized I have no life for 10 days starting on Friday so I will not be able to make the trek. We need to find a decent spot between TOL and CLV so NW and NE and have some tee times. I was looking around the sandusky area and found a place called whiskyville GC that looks like it could be rented out for a low price. we should try and figure that one out. Used to be called dragon ranch or something? looks like not the greatest but it is mega cheap.


It used to be a total cow path, like 12 years ago when I played it last. Its super short and tight and I know they haven’t done any major tree removal. If you’re looking for decent courses in the area, I’d suggest Forest Hills, Thunderbird (I like the North but some people prefer the South course), Sweetbriar Legacy in Avon (all riding), or maybe Springvale, but that’s stretching it. Obviously all dependent on aeration schedules, which I don’t know.

I just meant in general for the group moving forward. The NE and NW guis need to start reaching across the isle a bit more haha.

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For sure. As a NW Ohio guy I’m in the roost (and FCF) but it sure seems like I’m not much part of Ohio most of the time. No one’s fault really but it would be good to try and find some middle ground stuff between NW and NE and NW and SW as well.


Well in that case, I think the most middle points would be Woussickett or Eagle Creek. Maybe Thunderbird still. I wouldn’t be shy about a Toledo day trip for some golf and Packos or Pizza Papalis. I went to UT and all the Toledo muni courses are at least cool. I like Heatherdowns, South Toledo too from when I was up there.


Just played Heatherdowns this morning! It’s in really nice shape. Outside of having to go off the back to start because of frost, no complaints!


Grew up in Sandusky. Would confirm Woussickett and Thunderbird. North is older with way more large trees. South is wide open. Eagle creek was good last I remember, but it has been a while. Green hills in Clyde (same owners as Woussickett) is also decent.

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You ever play Plum Brook? They’re a customer of mine and I always want to ask the manager for a tee time, and I’m sure he’d swing it because we have a good relationship, but I always chicken out of doing it

Look at the NW Ohio guys showing up. My goodness. Up to a whole five of us.