Roll Call: North Carolina

Just added you to the First Flight Roost thread.


Welcome! Looks like you have also been added to the roster as well on the google shoot for First Flight. Should be good to go. There is an instagram page as well.


I would be interested in joining the First Flight Roost thread as well. (Side note: I’ve seen you mention that you play Umstead Pines a lot. I live five minutes from there and play there a lot.)


Added you, make sure to reach out to @Swing_hard_and_hope to get on the roster he’s keeping.

Hopefully we can get out to play there sometime soon!

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I will be concord w-f next week staying at a hotel right on rocky river.

And its going to be too cold for me to walk any, first time in years no golf on this trip


What’s the over under on snowfall totals in RTP? I’m worried it’ll be a bust

So the roosts? Still kinda new to this what are they?

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If in NC I’ll recommend the QC Hive


Much delayed, but my personal Roosevelt Power Ranking is:

1.Eleanor Roosevelt: an unconventional choice, but consider how far she got in life for a woman of her generation and relative the men in her life (think about the head start they had bc of gender). And it’s common to credit FDR for her opportunities (he had to get elected for her to be First Lady and “become successful” is the conventional wisdom), but more recent scholarship points out that much of her success had to do with relationships she developed independent of her husband.

  1. TR: the “American Sphinx” of the 20th century (s/o Thomas Jefferson). I never get tired of lecturing on TR. He survived a childhood during which his parents tried curing his asthma by making him smoke cigars under a blanket (so, they hotboxed him). Even though he did some awesome stuff and won a Nobel, he regretted his track record on race. Once told American moms they were having too few kids and committing “race suicide.”

  2. TR’s dad: TR gets the nod over pops because he actually fought in a war—but it was Sr.’s example that TR spent his life trying to supersede.

  3. FDR’s mom: basically ran FDR until she died.

  4. FDR: cheated on his wife and wasn’t quite the “traitor to his class” that people thought. Plagiarized many of Hoover’s ideas for the First New Deal after spending months demonizing his predecessor in the campaign trail. He tried to pack the Supreme Court. He backed off his 2nd New Deal and started the 1938 recession. A bad man who luckily did some good and stood up to a serious test in WWII. Died while on vacation with his mistress.

Some good reads:

David McCullough’s Mornings on Horseback
Emily Wilson, Three Graces of Val-Kill
Eleanor and Sara
Franklin and Eleanor
HW Brands, A Traitor to His Class
Dalton, TR: A Strenuous Life (best one volume history of TR-says it right on the cover)



Can you add me too, DBD?

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Much waited and did not disappoint


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First flight roost for eastern North Carolina?

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Yes. First flight covers Eastern NC, Triangle, Triad and Sandhills

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Believe the triad is the friendly zone


Flair wasn’t showing up for me as well, DBD. Can I also get added to the roost please and thank you?



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