Roll Call: New Hampshire

I’m in SC, but with family in NH I’m there twice a year. Always down to play with some Refugees. Family is scattered around Portsmouth, Concord, and Northwood areas.

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Would be down to meet up. Play quite often at Ledges in York ME. About 10-15 from Portsmouth. Add me on instagram if you want to set something up in the future @rgcboston

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Played the Ledges a couple times. Really solid place!

Watching…Local to CLT, but we vacation in the Sunapee area at least every 2 years, so am interested in hearing who and what good courses are near there.

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I live in Newburyport, MA so only 10 mins from NH. I grew up in Dedham, MA so I haven’t really explored NH courses that much. Would be down to check out some Seacoast area courses for sure.

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I am in Manchester! I know that area well, there are a few good courses

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Have played a few there. Derryfield, Manchester CC.

Hey all,
Just joined the Refuge.

I live in Walpole, NH home of the amazing, and one of the best 9 hole courses in America, Hooper Golf Course. Once spring comes definitely come check out Hooper, and I would love to hit up some other NH courses with some fellow Refugees.

Reach out via Instagram @jlbeer8



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When the snow subsides I would live to meet up with some NH/ME Refugees.

The Ledges in York is a great track. I would also reccomend Hanover CC at Dartmouth. It’s a great loop and it includes a workout.


Welcome to the Refuge!

Paging @anon26814599 to give the proper welcome to some new guys we got in here.

yooooo Hooper is sick!!! bellows falls is also massively underrated that second hole is an all-timer

@RobbieVogel @golferjoe @I-am-Skew


Love that people are loving Hooper!
The Monadnock region/Connecticut River Valley has a lot of fun and underrated courses to play, w/ Hooper - in my totally biased opinion - the jewel.

[quote=“nandersen, post:13, topic:15981, full:true”]
yooooo Hooper is sick!!! bellows falls is also massively underrated that second hole is an all-timer

@RobbieVogel @golferjoe @I-am-Skew
@tigergolftraveler A road trip to western NH/VT for the Hooper/Bellows Falls combo is a must. My in-laws live on the NH sea coast so I’m up there regularly. Some decent tracks (ledges, Outlook & Old Marsh) in souther Maine to explore. Reach out when you’re up for a round.


Awesome, and for sure!

Keep hyping some NH courses. Aside from SC I’ve played the most there. Spent my summers at Candia Woods. Some of my all time favorites are Cochecho, Abenaqui, Portsmouth, and others. Got a lot of sweet access on the NH junior tour. I second the Hanover rec above. That place is cool.

Graduated HS in 2002 from Hanover, NH played some great golf in the HS days. Eastman in Grantham was a great track in the fall.Played all over NH and Maine before I moved to SC. Still have a bag from Abenaqui, pretty much learned how to play on Pease Airforce, Lake Morey (VT) as a young buck.
I still try and do a New England golf trip each summer. anybody still playing Ragged Mountain in Danbury? we had to use that as our Home course one year in HS do to renovations at HCC. what a brute that trek was.
cheers, nick


Hey, bad news - I believe Ragged Mtn. golf is shut down (though the ski resort is still open).
But if you’re back around Hanover this summer cruise down I91 and reach out and we can play Hooper GC in Walpole.

Up in Southeastern NH for the holidays. Hope everyone is well!

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