Roll Call: Nashville (Spring Match Play Post 1319)

Actually thinking about hitting Greystone up this weekend on Sunday or Saturday. I love Greystone. The drive out there sucks but its worth it. Some of the best deals around for the quality of the golf you can play. The pace of play is always great out there too.

Played Greystone for the first time two weeks ago. Pace of play on that Friday afternoon was terrible so I was kinda meh on the whole experience but it was in great condition And way different than anything else around here. Would probably enjoy it more the 2nd time around now that I know the layout a bit better. It’s about as far as I want to drive for a Nashville area course.

I’m all about the praise for Greystone. Love that place. Reccomend playing 18 there and going to Montgomery Bell for 18 as well. Not as good or interesting but a fun track that is right down the road.

Here are two pics from Greystone last August on a couple of my favorite holes.

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Drove by Two Rivers yesterday and they had pins in?! I called immediately and no answer at any public course. I wonder if they are going to leave them in now since we are easing up on the lock-down stuff

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Played McCabe Middle this morning. They also had pins in but elevated cups. So I think they are planning on that for the foreseeable future. Hate to be “that guy” but I will… if you can try and repair your ball marks. They did just sand the greens. Be considerate of the rest of your fellow golfers.

Free municipal golf will end on Tuesday, May 26th as clubhouses will re open for paid play. Golf carts will not be rented and cups will still be upside down. Personally, I think this is better because it will slow down all the usage that these courses are getting right now and you can play proper golf again. Just my two cents. Good luck out there!


So with free muni golf ending on Tuesday, I’ve looked at getting the $600 membership for all of the metro courses, but attached to the dues sheets is this massive chart with random charges, is anyone a member and could enlighten me a little? I play a good amount of golf and it’s honestly extremely reasonable. Just looking for pros / cons

I did it a few years ago when I was playing a lot over the summer. The main issue is that you still get a small charge for every 9 holes you play and the rate is slightly different across courses. Also, you still have to fight the crowds out there as there is no preferential tee times or anything like that. To me, it makes a ton of sense if you can play a lot during the week. If you want to make a calculator or something to see if you break even you can just average out the 9 hole charges across courses you know you will play most often and then see how many rounds you would have to play to make that make sense.

Also, I don’t think it is this way anymore but years ago the passes ran Jan 1 - Dec 31, so even if you bought one in May it would still only run until the end of December. Surely they have fixed that by now. Also, if there is another COVID outbreak you might regret buying that pass since the courses will be free play again.

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All very very good points. Thanks for the info!

I did it back in my final year of law school with a few buddies. I think back then we had budgeted our break-even point at a little under 30 rounds for the year.

We broke even in the first semester.

The Metro Card is absolutely worth it.


Does anyone find it annoying that there are no tee times at any of the municipals at 7 am during the week (that I can find)? Pair that with the fact that McCabe now closes their driving range at 3:30 PM and the courses are jammed and SLOOOOOOW in the afternoons after work it is almost impossible to pick up a few 9 holers during the week. Does anyone have any thoughts or solutions? I am tempted to go play a 3 hole loop x 3 at Shelby at like 6 am even though it feels very scummy since they are technically closed as they rehab the course from the tornado. Driving out to Hermitage for 9 holes at 7 am on a workday is not very appealing, btw.


Usually 8 AM is the earliest tee time available during the summer at the city courses. I think it bumps back to 7:30 after Labor Day. In my experience, catching an afternoon 9 at Ted Rhodes is the easiest of the “good” city courses.

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Franklin Bridge is a good option. Not sure on early tee times but you can get on for 9 late in the afternoon. It’s not super fast but it’s much better than the muni’s.

I have never played out there so I will try it out. Seems like they are doing a lot of work to bring that course back up. I LOVE that they have max pace of play on their scorecards. I am down for removing groups if they miss those times for multiple holes. If they have 7 am tee times I will have to check them out.

Also, can you explain the Par 5 9th? On Google Earth it looks like a completely insane target golf par 5? Am I looking at this right (see below). Also, do I see power lines running across the fairway? Do people just skip this hole? And there is a GD tree in the middle of the first landing area? WTF?

This hole has been discussed here :slight_smile: It has an interesting layout, for sure.


I cannot understand why you wouldn’t AT LEAST cut down that tree. What is the purpose? There is already so much other crap to deal with on this hole.

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My buddy was just hired as the super at Franklin Bridge a few months ago. I know they’ve been doing a lot of work…curious to go see it and compare to the old Crossings routing.

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I am definitely going to play out there next week if only because they offer 6 am tee times during the week which, as far as I can tell, they are the only public course reasonably close to Nashville that offers that. That is clutch for the 90% of us who have to be at work at the latest by 9 am.


yes this hole is absurd. some good holes out there though curious to get your thoughts on playing early.

Nashville guy checking in here. I thought I had played just about every nashville area public course. I have never heard of Franklin Bridge but am anxious to test it out.

I played old fort yesterday for the first time. I really enjoyed the layout. I would rank that near the top of the munis. Only downside is you cannot hit wood/ driver on the range, and that’s what I need to work on the most.

As I was scanning the thread, I noticed VandyLand’s comments on Percy Warner. I too hit my first golf shots on that course. And I too cannot stand hole 2.

It has to be one of the hardest par 4s in the state (i obviously have no data to back that up). however, i would bet that it has the lowest birdie percentage of any other par 4 in the state. You are dead in the right trees. If you hit it 200 off the tee, you still have a 200 yard shot into a tiny (and let’s be honest, bumpy) green.

I wish that Percy would do a Sweetens-esq makeover. They have the winter greens out there for who knows why. Just merge the greens and put two pins out there. I dont know if the city has much incentive to do that…I have heard it is the most profitable of the munis given the lack of maintenance that is done on the course. It also pains me that they have carts now. I know it is probably a money maker but you dont need a cart at Percy.

Excited to start contributing to the threads.