It is routed over some pretty interesting ground. There are table top greens, obscured greens, rock walls come in play, wide corridors, reachable par 5s, excellent turf, plays along the river, tiny pot bunkers to catch errant approaches … it’s fun!
Love Old Natchez. Not sure what it’s like now but 2-3 years ago the initiation costs weren’t as prohibitive as a lot of other clubs closer to town. Seems like a lot of ex-college players who just moved to town join there so I’m sure there are decent games.
Family has been at Old Natchez since way before the flood of 2010. Course has seen a ton of transformation over the years due to storms and the flood. Lost over 150 trees in one year on the course.
Condition is amazing now. They have put some money into the course and the new pro couldn’t be nicer and the members are great for the most part. I play all the time out there. Fastest greens in Nashville for sure. They were around 13 this weekend on the stimp…
Lots of good young players and they have a good junior membership (golf only) going now.
So, I played twelve stones on Friday, July 3rd and I had overall positive feelings but I don’t think I would play it again over some other options in the area. Not the least due to the fact that I live in Green Hills which is not very close to Goodlettsville.
Pros: Great value ($30 for 18 in a cart), lots of elevation changes, some very scenic views, requires a lot of different shots and distance control, staff seemed nice and the short game practice area was excellent (I wish it was closer so I could go there more often just to practice), I loved the greens and had a great day putting.
Cons: Pace of play was downright languid, course is unwalkable, a lot of holes stuffed in between houses in a downright Floridian manner, there is a creek or other obstacle forcing a layup on at least half the holes, only 2 holes that really open up for a bombed driver, conditioning was spotty in a lot of places, the 14th hole is going to get memorialized in the “Worst Golf Holes thread” (and I still parred it, but god it needs to be blown up) and did I mention it was slow?
It is kind of like the dollar store version of GreyStone with its elevation changes but there were a LOT of what looked like beginner golfers out there and this course, while not hard, is not kind to erratic players and leads to a lot of lost balls and delays. I’m not saying this course isn’t fun or people can’t enjoy it I would just say, personally, I prefer to be able to hit my driver more often and some of the holes were just very rough around the edges in terms of upkeep and design. If I lived near this course I would probably put it in the rotation but I would not drive out from central or south of Nashville for this place.
Though I definitely prefer President’s Reserve, it’s probably more to do with it being 10-15 min closer to me than Greystone. As mentioned above, PR might be slightly better but I’d go with whichever is closest for you. The “free” range balls at Hermitage are a nice touch I always enjoy, especially while you are waiting on the rest of your group to get in.
I’m curious since some of you seem to play a lot. Do you usually go to the course by yourself or do you have a group?
Up until the last 6 months or so I was playing about 8-10 times annually and wasn’t very good. I decided to get some lessons and start trying to play as much as I can. The few guys who I historically played with aren’t interested in playing every week so I’m on my own most of the time. I don’t really mind playing with other people but it’s sometimes awkward being the one guy put into a foursome with three others who know each other.
Is this something you all experience and if so how do you handle or adjust to it? I’m assuming you own it no matter the situation. As I said most of the time it’s not a big deal especially during the week but sometimes you get paired with people on the weekend who you can tell aren’t super thrilled to be playing with someone they don’t know.
This is an interesting topic for me, personally, since I struggle to find a group. I play as a single at least 50% of the time. I am a decent golfer trying to get better so I try to practice a couple times a week and play at least weekly, weather permitting. My friends that play are 15+ HDCPs which is fine but they don’t have any interest in playing every week and definitely don’t practice. Also, I have a 1 year old son so I have to play super early (like teeing off before 7:30 am) which is not everyone’s cup of tea either. So, I am in a similar boat as you in that I just have to sort myself out as a single most of the time.
I get paired up with groups all the time and it is mostly fine, with the possible exception of this past week where one of the guy took 4 (FOUR!!!) off the 1st, 2nd and 4th tees and then two off basically every other tee and kept getting pissed saying he was normally so much better than this. Basically, my hope is that I don’t get paired with people that get real pissed (see above) when they hit bad shots or who take forever (see above) to hit their shots.
As for being the lone rando in a group, I generally try to lay out of the conversation for the first few holes and if the other players want to talk with me then I will jump right in. I have played a few rounds where I was a single joining a 3 some and aside from us giving our names I was completely ignored, which was fine actually (One time, in such a group, I hit a 3 wood to 4 feet and made an eagle on a hole where no one else even made par and literally no one said anything which was further evidence added to the “no one cares what you shoot” file, haha). Unless a golf course is empty and I can play in 2 hours, I prefer to be paired up with people.
I play around 50-60 rounds a year I would imagine. Most of the time I am hitting friends up to see if they want to join me but sometimes no one can. In that case I will head out there by myself. I have had some odd things happen in groups but never anything crazy. I am about as extrovert as they come so I always seem to find some common ground and the group is usually having fun by the 8th hole.
I generally cant stand playing games withing the 18 like WOLF or anything like that. I have had a couple instances where a guy on number one has asked me my handicap and then tried to come up with a gambling game for the round. I don’t mind gambling but its something I don’t really enjoy doing with complete strangers…
Anyone else gamble on the course or have any games? I will usually do a few closest to the holes for $5 or play snake if we have a day we are playing 36…
Y’all have convinced me to try the PR course maybe this Friday BTW…Lived here for 29 years and havent played it…
Thanks for the reply and I could not agree more about playing with people who get mad or take forever. I had a recent round with someone who was very slow and terrible which was awful.
I like the advice of just keeping out of the conversation unless they want you to join in. Better for everyone.
if you get out early enough pace of play is never a problem…I cannot stand waiting around to hit…ive been working on not letting it get to me, but I really hate slow play
It gets too effing hot here in the summer to play any other time…twilight can be good, but usually means not playing 18
Family: it’s a lot easier to convince the missus to let me play when shes sleeping for half the time I am playing. Its like Im only gone for 2 hours instead of 4-5 hours.
I have to get other work done even on my “days off” so spending the bulk of the day on the golf course just isn’t feasible.
All this to say, if you’re ever looking for a player, Im open to early rounds. Not that it matters, but I am not very good but always hoping to get better and as above, hate slow play…
If I can be the first person on the course I am a happy man. Hate teeing off at like 10-11am and after unless it is a round with friends for a round of “who cares” golf.