Roll Call: Iowa

Put me down for a maybe

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You’re a psycho and I love it. What time could you theoretically play? Imma look up some tee times

Edit: Waveland and Bright-Grandview both have tons of openings. Less at Terrace Hills but still plenty.

Tough part is i don’t know yet. Would depend on how my customer meetings fall

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I’m out on this weekend unfortunately. Let’s make it happen next time though!

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@ZachR @ThatGolfPunk sup

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Yes, I am in. Where & when?


Tuesday afternoon sometime, nothing booked yet

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I tentatively booked a 3:26 @ Jester, but we can play somewhere else depending on if @ZachR is in & what works best for his schedule.

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The earliest I can do is that 3:26pm either at jester or waveland on Tuesday

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I’m fine with either of those. @Worst12onEarth you up for a little more driving?

It’s only an extra 10 minutes for me. That would work. Plus I’ve never had the privilege of playing Jester Park. Count me in


I’d like to see @bignanski get his revenge on #8 green out at Jester.

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Was that the par 3 that I 5-putted?

Any chance we see a return of the psycho scorecard?

I mean it’s me, it’s virtually certain

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So 3:26 @ Jester on Tuesday for 4?


Sure looks that way! Get to test the new Jones bag too :grin:

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It certainly was. Poetry in motion is never forgotten


Generational putter of the golf ball


Have two spots open for Finkbine in Iowa City 11:10am Sunday if anyone is interested. Come witness the carnage of a match pitting @Bagumbo against @Worst12onEarth.