Roll Call: Indiana - Old Broken Bucket registration #1309 -

Thank you for the recommendation! Very good!!
Wife loved the grilled cheese

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How are my Hoosiers doing? I’m talking about you guys not IU. They might actually stink. However, what doesn’t stink is golf. I’m trying to get a group to play golf in Kalamazoo! I wanted to get the signup out and hear what people are feeling. This is going to be in August 2023!


What are we doing here in Indiana, is there some sort of checklist to get a Roost off the ground? Or do I just need to join the Flock up north?
I would prefer to #getinvolved with Hoosier nation.

Going to have to go up north. What I saw was we needed 20 people to apply for Roost-hood and we fell at about 13-15 active, so we’ll need to get some recruiting for next year!

But don’t worry, @Jalspurg and the boys are good people up there


Howdy—moving over to this thread from Minnesota. Curious whether there’s any traction for seasonal competition or some wekeend events around the Hoosier State.

I’m a Pfau guy but travel a good deal and regrettably haven’t gotten much Indy golf checked off, so hoping to meet some golf sickos here to compliment BTS.

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Pretty sure we have talked extensively on the BTS discord about getting together in southern Indiana , but we have a High Cotton Club roost event planned for June 3rd down outside of Bowling Green if you’re interested.

Thanks for the info I will see how schedule shakes out. May have to go to Minneapolis that wknd but I’ll keep my ear to the ground for other IN and surrounding golf

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I know @Douger23 @pgoddard @BDeck25 and I are gonna try to redo a failed Pfau date from last season, maybe we can make that grow?

I also played Royal Hylands in Greenfield a couple times last year, would gladly do again on any nice Friday. Good course and super welcoming staff.


I might be able to tack it onto a trip either to or from reffing this spring. I head up to the Bloomington/Indy area a decent bit for that every year.

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Relatively new to the Nest. Would love to get Indiana some Roost status. Im in Hamilton County so relatively easy for me to travel any direction. Put me down for a Pfau trip for sure though. Bear Slide in Cicero is always a solid choice if anyone is around this area.

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Love the new folks popping in! I’ve had Bear Slide on my wish list for a while so let’s fire that up in the spring.

@DocHolliday911 and @BuffaLouies drop your info in here. This is how I’m informally keeping track of Roost interest while we get these numbers up.


Thanks for linking back to that—all set. I’m all aboard getting us a Roost-ship and helping organize and administer. Happy to assist with logos, naming and golfer/result/scheduling data management.

Was considering helping NewClub grow into Indiana since I lived in Chicago but don’t want to focus on private courses alone.

If there’s interest in here for virtual/season-long match play and/or weekend events I’m your guy.


Happy New Year Everyone!
Thanks @BDeck25 for bringing my attention to the Google Sheet. I’m on board for what 2023 brings

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I would be potentially interested in some match play. If you’re looking for weekend events, HCC does some stuff in Kentucky that I will be headed down to.

Awesome–I will keep an eye on the HCC channel in case there are any openings.

In somewhat related news, do you guys have an example of Discord setup for HCC channels that we can mirror for IN? Getting a server set up so we can communicate more efficiently. Also, are Roost discord servers all separate or are they individual channels within a master server? that may be a question for Dave tho

Ohio has Slack, a couple have Discord, a couple have WhatsApp, it’s a smorgasboard.

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They are all run separately. I personally prefer discord. Some good ideas are a general section, an events section, gear section, GCA section, a meet ups section, and possibly a merch section. HCC has a lot more than that, but most of ours have just come from topics getting over run by stuff that could have it’s own topic. Start it small and let it grow organically.

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Anyone interested in this let me know. Just moved to a neighborhood 5 mins away from bear slide. I’m a member at a course very nearby as well and am willing to host. Make a nice little weekend out of it.


We like that! Where are you a member?

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Harbour trees. It’s an old Dye course that’s been developed around, great membership and vibes though.