Roll Call: Colorado -- @PJM v Colorado Golfers, @PJM only half guilty

(peeks at flights…)


CC @DeadMan

@paul that works for me

Great, just booked for 4 people at 4:10.
I have total faith that the Lord will provide for us a 4th.

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Can’t make it then. Would love to, but doesn’t work with my work schedule.

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What’s up guys - I’m in to be your fourth! I just recently joined the Refuge and play in the CG Men’s Club.


I’m out. Team meeting with a guy flying in from Portland so I have to be here.

Welcome to the Refuge Ben!

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Hey Ben! Welcome! First of all, I have a high appreciation for your no-BS user name.
Second, we would love for you to join us at next week. Looking forward to meeting and taping into that local course knowledge. Tee time is 4:10, will be out there a bit earlier for warm-up.

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Great news! I have full hope that @Soly gives The Refuge first dibs, because this thing will fill up fast.

The day before my birthday. But about a month late for me to be able to get out to the homeland.

Yes! So pumped for this! And @TomCoyne will be in town too!

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This might be a mandatory SGB out of office meeting…


And hopefully dibs for us Colorado members as well too!


Hey @Tron, @DeepFriedEgg can’t make it. Want to partner up?

I’m there


Here’s some details here for our beloved refugees before we announce them to the general public in the next couple weeks. It’ll be a 36 hole two-man team event (best ball in the morning, Scotch foursomes in the afternoon) on the Friday.

And then there will be an event on the evening of Thursday the 22nd on the par three course and a get-together off-course. We wanted to give you all the deets first.


This is quickly becoming Christmas in August.

I’m starting to feel as much excitement and anticipation for this as I do Masters week.

This is awesome! Can’t wait to play an NLU event at my home course. Was just thinking that it seems all the fun event’s would require travel.

This will be fantastic.
The Refuge gets first call BUT everyone has to wear their handle as a name tag.

So the warm-up/par-3 event is the 22nd, with 36 holes on the 23rd?